

作者:凱莉 最後修改時間:2020-05-20

假設您的同事之前曾在Outlook中向您發送過會議邀請。 但是現在,他/她不負責這次會議,而您則被指派接任該會議。 因此,您想將會議組織者更改為您自己。 但是如何? 看來不可能完成它! 但是,本文將介紹一種變通辦法,以更改Outlook中的會議組織者或所有者。



實際上,除了創建新會議組織者或所有者外,Outlook不支持更改會議組織者或所有者。 但是,以下解決方法將簡化在Outlook中重新創建會議的工作。

1。 在 日曆 視圖中,選擇要更改其組織者的會議以激活 日曆工具,然後單擊 會議 > 響應 > 全部回复。 看截圖:

2。 現在會議回复窗口正在打開。 請按 按Ctrl + S 鍵同時保存它,然後關閉窗口。

3。 轉移到 郵件 視圖, (1) 點擊打開 草稿 導航窗格上的文件夾, (2) 單擊以在郵件列表中選擇新的會議回复草稿,然後 (3) 點擊 首頁 > 會議。 看截圖:

4。 現在,將創建一個新會議,其中包含與會者,主題和原始會議的會議記錄,請輸入會議地點,根據需要調整會議時間,然後單擊 送出 按鈕。 看截圖:

5。 與新所有者的新會議已發送給其他收件人。 您可以要求原始會議所有者取消所有與會者的原始會議。


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使用Kutools for Outlook的 電子郵件重複 功能,您可以在多個郵件文件夾中快速找到並刪除它們,或者在Outlook中單擊兩次即可從所選郵件文件夾中找到並刪除所有重複項。

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Comments (18)
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This comment was minimized by the moderator on the site
I 100% agree that being able to easily change a Meeting Organizer should be basic functionality in Outlook. It's extremely inefficient to have to create new meetings and cancel the old. The work around in the video is really no help.
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Please don't waste our time! Please just say your software does not have this functionality and build it in.
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Can I change ownership of a meeting so that I don't get all the acceptances in my inbox?
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You left out the most important part - how do you select the new organizer? Yes it changed, but you have not specified how to decide who the new organizer is, unless all you care about is that it's not the original one.
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Google calendar had better functionality where you as the meeting organiser could simply assign another person to be the "owner" of the meeting/series, what a complex work around to not solve the problem. Giving someone access to your calendar is an additional layer of complexity that's not necessary. If Outlook could add the functionality to simply swap out the organiser it would be a quick and user friendly fix...
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This is a MUST HAVE feature for meetings.
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The only sane workaround is for the organiser to delegate calendar authority. A feature to allow redesignating the organiser would allow all sorts of mischief in important meetings, which is probably why it has not been added. We all saw what happened with Zoom meetings, which is why many organisations now use Microsoft Teams.
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If I follow the above steps, all persons who have already declined the meeting or accepted are back to having not responded yet. Not really ideal.
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The owner ship of a calendar can be share, so a second person can manage the account of the first. The first person have to delate is complet calendar right or the Outlook admin server (exchange) have to change something on the account.
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I agree. I am a meeting organizer for more than one meeting. When I am on vacation I need to delegate the meeting to another person so they can run it. One of the meetings will be cancelled if we have nothing for the agenda but my delegate cannot cancel it. I should be able to delegate ownership to someone else if required
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