

有時,您可能希望在Outlook的生日今天是該聯繫人的生日時自動向該聯繫人發送問候消息。 當您逐個檢查聯繫人的生日並手動發送問候電子郵件時,這將是一項繁瑣的工作。 本文中,我將介紹一個VBA代碼以快速輕鬆地解決它。





1。 啟動Outlook,然後按住 ALT + F11 鍵打開 Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications 窗口。

2。 在 Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications 窗口,雙擊 本次展望會議 來自 Project1(VbaProject.OTM) 窗格以打開模式,然後將以下代碼複製並粘貼到空白模塊中。


Private Sub Application_Reminder(ByVal Item As Object)
Dim xTempMail As MailItem
Dim xFilePath As String
Dim xItems As Outlook.Items
Dim xItem As Object
Dim xContactItem As Outlook.ContactItem
Dim xTodayDate As String
Dim xBirthdayDate As String
Dim xGreetingMail As Outlook.MailItem
Dim xWordDoc As Word.Document
Dim xGreetings As String
Dim xBool As Boolean
xFilePath = CreateObject("shell.Application").NameSpace(5).self.Path & "\UserTemplates"
Set xFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If xFSO.FolderExists(xFilePath) = False Then
    MkDir xFilePath
End If
If IsFileExists(xFilePath & "\Birthday Greeting Mail.oft") = False Then
    Set xTempMail = Outlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)
    xTempMail.SaveAs xFilePath & "\Birthday Greeting Mail.oft", olTemplate
    xTempMail.Close olDiscard
End If
If (TypeOf Item Is TaskItem) And (Item.Subject = "Send Birthday Greeting Mail") Then
xGreetings = "Happy Birthday!"
           xGreetings = InputBox("Input birthday greetings", "Kutools for Outlook", xGreetings)
   xTodayDate = Month(Date) & "-" & Day(Date)
   Set xItems = Outlook.Application.Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderContacts).Items
   For Each xItem In xItems
       If Not (TypeOf xItem Is ContactItem) Then Exit Sub
       Set xContactItem = xItem
       xBirthdayDate = Month(xContactItem.Birthday) & "-" & Day(xContactItem.Birthday)
       If xBirthdayDate = xTodayDate Then
           Set xGreetingMail = Outlook.Application.CreateItemFromTemplate(xFilePath & "\Birthday Greeting Mail.oft")
           Set xWordDoc = xGreetingMail.GetInspector.WordEditor
           xWordDoc.Range.InsertBefore "Dear " & xContactItem.LastName & Chr(10) & xGreetings & Chr(10) & Chr(10)
           With xGreetingMail
                .Recipients.Add (xContactItem.Email1Address)
                .Subject = "Happy Birthday!"
                .Close (olSave)
          End With
       End If
End If
End Sub
Function IsFileExists(ByVal FileName As String) As Boolean
Dim xFileSystem As Object
Set xFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If xFileSystem.FileExists(FileName) = True Then
    IsFileExists = True
    IsFileExists = False
End If
End Function 

3。 然後點擊 工具 > 參考 ,在 Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications 窗口,彈出 參考-Project1 對話框,檢查 Microsoft Word對像庫Microsoft腳本運行時 來自的選項 可用參考 列錶框,請參見屏幕截圖:

4。 然後點擊 OK 要關閉對話框,現在您應該建立一個任務來觸發 VBA 程式碼。 請前往 任務 窗格中單擊 新任務 建立任務:

(1.)在 主題t 行,您應該輸入主題為 寄送生日祝福郵件;

(2.)然後單擊 循環任務 標籤;

(3.)在 任務重複 對話框中選擇 每日 並指定 每 1 天 選項從 重複模式 部分;

5。 然後點擊 OK 若要關閉對話框,返回任務窗口,請為重複任務設定提醒,如下圖所示:

6。 從現在開始,當提醒發生時,巨集將立即被觸發。 將彈出一個對話框提醒您插入生日祝福,如下圖所示:

7。 然後點擊 OK 按鈕,將自動向今天生日的聯絡人發送問候郵件。


Kutools for Outlook - 超過 100 種強大的功能可增強您的 Outlook

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👍 一鍵奇蹟: 使用傳入附件回覆全部  /   反網路釣魚電子郵件  /  🕘顯示寄件者的時區 ...

👩🏼‍🤝‍👩🏻 通訊錄和行事曆: 從選定的電子郵件中大量新增聯絡人  /  將聯絡人群組拆分為各組  /  刪除生日提醒 ...

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Comments (5)
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Good morning,
I've set this up exactly as outlined, I have Kutools installed, however, there's no Macro popup when the reminder activates. What information can I provide you to help me solve this?
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how he come to know who's birthday is today.you not mention, from where he pick detail of the employee.one more thing, i want to send birthday mail to all employee email id.
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I am using this code with outlook 2016. Followed all the steps but kutool popup is not coming as mentioned in last step
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hay alguna forma para mac?
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Buen día, podría indicar cómo el código obtiene y valida la fecha de nacimiento??? . Otra consulta es si funciona para una lista de usuarios. Es decir que valide sus fechas de nacimiento y les envíe automáticamente saludos de cumpleaños. Muchas gracias
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