

作者:小陽 最後修改時間:2021-01-27

通常,在Excel中,當您使用VLOOKUP函數時,如果存在多個與條件匹配的值,則只需獲取第一個即可。 但是,有時,您希望將符合條件的所有相應值返回到一個單元格中,如下面的屏幕截圖所示,如何解決呢?

Vlookup使用TEXTJOIN函數將多個值返回到一個單元格中(Excel 2019和Office 365)



Vlookup使用TEXTJOIN函數將多個值返回到一個單元格中(Excel 2019和Office 365)

如果您擁有較高版本的Excel(例如Excel 2019和Office 365),則有一個新功能- 文字加入,借助這一強大的功能,您可以快速進行vlookup並將所有匹配的值返回到一個單元格中。


請將以下公式應用於要放入結果的空白單元格,然後按 Ctrl + Shift + Enter 鍵一起獲得第一個結果,然後將填充手柄向下拖動到要使用此公式的單元格,您將獲得所有對應的值,如下圖所示:


注意: 在上式中 A2:A11 查找範圍包含查找數據, E2 是查找值, C2:C11 是您要從中返回匹配值的數據范圍,“,“是用於分隔多個記錄的分隔符。



請複制以下公式並將其粘貼到空白單元格中,然後按 Ctrl + Shift + Enter 鍵在一起以獲得第一個結果,然後復制此公式以填充其他單元格,您將獲得所有對應的值,而沒有重複的值,如下面的屏幕截圖所示:

=TEXTJOIN(",", TRUE, IF(IFERROR(MATCH($C$2:$C$11, IF(E2=$A$2:$A$11, $C$2:$C$11, ""), 0),"")=MATCH(ROW($C$2:$C$11), ROW($C$2:$C$11)), $C$2:$C$11, ""))

注意: 在上式中 A2:A11 查找範圍包含查找數據, E2 是查找值, C2:C11 是您要從中返回匹配值的數據范圍,“,“是用於分隔多個記錄的分隔符。


上面的TEXTJOIN函數僅適用於Excel 2019和Office 365,如果您具有其他較低的Excel版本,則應使用一些代碼來完成此任務。


1。 按住 ALT + F11 鍵,然後打開 Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications 窗口。

2。 點擊 插入 > 模塊,然後將以下代碼粘貼到 模塊窗口.


Function ConcatenateIf(CriteriaRange As Range, Condition As Variant, ConcatenateRange As Range, Optional Separator As String = ",") As Variant
'Updateby Extendoffice
Dim xResult As String
On Error Resume Next
If CriteriaRange.Count <> ConcatenateRange.Count Then
    ConcatenateIf = CVErr(xlErrRef)
    Exit Function
End If
For i = 1 To CriteriaRange.Count
    If CriteriaRange.Cells(i).Value = Condition Then
        xResult = xResult & Separator & ConcatenateRange.Cells(i).Value
    End If
Next i
If xResult <> "" Then
    xResult = VBA.Mid(xResult, VBA.Len(Separator) + 1)
End If
ConcatenateIf = xResult
Exit Function
End Function

3。 然後保存並關閉此代碼,返回到工作表,然後輸入以下公式: =CONCATENATEIF($A$2:$A$11, E2, $C$2:$C$11, ", ") 放入要放置結果的特定空白單元格中,然後向下拖動填充手柄以在所需的一個單元格中獲取所有對應的值,請參見屏幕截圖:

注意: 在上式中 A2:A11 查找範圍包含查找數據, E2 是查找值, C2:C11 是您要從中返回匹配值的數據范圍,“,“是用於分隔多個記錄的分隔符。



1。 按住 Alt + F11鍵 鍵打開 Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications 窗口。

2。 點擊 插入 > 模塊,然後將以下代碼粘貼到 模塊窗口.


Function MultipleLookupNoRept(Lookupvalue As String, LookupRange As Range, ColumnNumber As Integer)
'Updateby Extendoffice
    Dim xDic As New Dictionary
    Dim xRows As Long
    Dim xStr As String
    Dim i As Long
    On Error Resume Next
    xRows = LookupRange.Rows.Count
    For i = 1 To xRows
        If LookupRange.Columns(1).Cells(i).Value = Lookupvalue Then
            xDic.Add LookupRange.Columns(ColumnNumber).Cells(i).Value, ""
        End If
    xStr = ""
    MultipleLookupNoRept = xStr
    If xDic.Count > 0 Then
        For i = 0 To xDic.Count - 1
            xStr = xStr & xDic.Keys(i) & ","
        MultipleLookupNoRept = Left(xStr, Len(xStr) - 1)
    End If
End Function

3。 插入代碼後,然後單擊 工具 > 參考 在打開 Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications 窗口,然後在彈出 參考– VBAProject 對話框,檢查 Microsoft腳本運行時 在選項 可用參考 列錶框,請參見屏幕截圖:

4。 然後點擊 OK 關閉對話框,保存並關閉代碼窗口,返回到工作表,然後輸入以下公式: =MultipleLookupNoRept(E2,$A$2:$C$11,3) into a blank cell where you want to output the result, and then drag the fill hanlde down to get all matching values, see screenshot:

注意: 在上式中 A2:C11 是您要使用的數據范圍, E2 是查找值,數字 3 是包含返回值的列號。


 如果您有我們的 Excel的Kutools,其 高級合併行 功能,您可以根據相同的值快速合併或合併行,並根據需要進行一些計算。

注意:要應用此 高級合併行,首先,您應該下載 Excel的Kutools,然後快速輕鬆地應用該功能。

安裝後 Excel的Kutools,請執行以下操作:

1。 選擇要根據另一列合併一個列數據的數據范圍。

2。 點擊 庫工具 > 合併與拆分 > 高級合併行,請參見屏幕截圖:

3。 在彈出 高級合併行 對話框:

  • 單擊要基於其組合的鍵列名稱,然後單擊 首要的關鍵
  • 然後單擊要基於鍵列合併其數據的另一列,然後單擊 結合 選擇一個分隔符以分隔組合數據。

4. 然後點擊 OK 按鈕,您將獲得以下結果:



  • VLOOKUP函數以及一些基本和高級示例
  • 在Excel中,VLOOKUP函數對於大多數Excel用戶而言是一項功能強大的函數,用於在數據范圍的最左側查找值,並在您指定的列的同一行中返回匹配值。 本教程通過Excel中的一些基本示例和高級示例討論如何使用VLOOKUP函數。
  • 根據一個或多個條件返回多個匹配值
  • 通常,使用VLOOKUP函數對我們大多數人來說查找特定值並返回匹配項很容易。 但是,您是否曾經嘗試過根據一個或多個條件返回多個匹配值? 在本文中,我將介紹一些用於解決Excel中復雜任務的公式。
  • Vlookup並垂直返回多個值
  • 通常,您可以使用Vlookup函數來獲取第一個對應的值,但是有時,您希望基於特定條件返回所有匹配的記錄。 在本文中,我將討論如何進行vlookup並將所有匹配值垂直,水平或返回到單個單元格中。
  • Vlookup並從下拉列表中返回多個值
  • 在Excel中,如何從下拉列表中進行vlookup並返回多個相應的值,這意味著當您從下拉列表中選擇一項時,它的所有相對值會立即顯示。 本文,我將逐步介紹解決方案。


🤖 Kutools 人工智慧助手:基於以下內容徹底改變數據分析: 智慧執行   |  生成代碼  |  建立自訂公式  |  分析數據並產生圖表  |  呼叫 Kutools 函數...
熱門特色: 尋找、突出顯示或識別重複項   |  刪除空白行   |  合併列或儲存格而不遺失數據   |   沒有公式的回合 ...
超級查詢: 多條件VLookup    多值VLookup  |   跨多個工作表的 VLookup   |   模糊查詢 ....
高級下拉列表: 快速建立下拉列表   |  依賴下拉列表   |  多選下拉列表 ....
欄目經理: 新增特定數量的列  |  移動列  |  切換隱藏列的可見性狀態  |  比較範圍和列 ...
特色功能: 網格焦點   |  設計圖   |   大方程式酒吧    工作簿和工作表管理器   |  資源庫 (自動文字)   |  日期選擇器   |  合併工作表   |  加密/解密單元格    按清單發送電子郵件   |  超級濾鏡   |   特殊過濾器 (過濾粗體/斜體/刪除線...)...
前 15 個工具集12 文本 工具 (添加文本, 刪除字符,...)   |   50+ 圖表 類型 (甘特圖,...)   |   40+ 實用 公式 (根據生日計算年齡,...)   |   19 插入 工具 (插入二維碼, 從路徑插入圖片,...)   |   12 轉化 工具 (數字到單詞, 貨幣兌換,...)   |   7 合併與拆分 工具 (高級合併行, 分裂細胞,...)   |   ... 和更多

使用 Kutools for Excel 增強您的 Excel 技能,體驗前所未有的效率。 Kutools for Excel 提供了 300 多種進階功能來提高生產力並節省時間。  點擊此處獲取您最需要的功能...



  • 在Word,Excel,PowerPoint中啟用選項卡式編輯和閱讀,發布者,Access,Visio和Project。
  • 在同一窗口的新選項卡中而不是在新窗口中打開並創建多個文檔。
  • 將您的工作效率提高 50%,每天為您減少數百次鼠標點擊!
Comments (43)
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I have created a problem.
"I" have combined a "Textjoin" end "Vlookup" to return multiple values in to one single cell.
My problem is that the formula have to have an exact value to look for and I want it to lookup an "almost" match or Partial match.

Example: I have made a schedule how we ate going to work and a D1 is working from 07:30-16:00. And to lookup D1 is not the problem, the problem is that my boss sometimes puts other stuff togeather with the D1... Like "D1 +" or "D1 meeting".
Since my formula only lookup "D1" it misses for example the "D1 +".

My formula (that I have gotten from the web) =TEXTJOIN(" och ";SANT;OM($B$3:$B$15=$C$22:$F$22;$A$3:$A$15;""))It´s in swedish so "SANT" is "TRUE" and "OM" is "IF".

How can I make the formula lookup all the cells that have some form of "D1" in it and return all those to the same cell?
No matter if it says "D1 +" or "D1 meeting" or whatever.
The reson I want this, is because the boss always leave "D1" but can add other text behind the "D1"... and just because of that, my boss messes up my formula.
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This is a great VBA-Code which could help me a lot.But when I start the Function MultipleLookupNoRept Excel crashs...I´ve got a Dataset with about 6.000 Rows (Excel 2013).... is this too much for the VBA Function?

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Hello Mr.XXL,Sorry to hear that. The row limit for Excel 2013 is 1048576. Therefore, maybe the VBA code is the reason for the crash.
Anyway, I would love to offer you another VBA code for Vlookup To Return All Matching Values Without Duplicates Into One Cell. Please use the VBA code below:
Option Explicit

Function Lookup_concat(Search_string As String, _
Search_in_col As Range, Return_val_col As Range)

Dim i As Long
Dim temp() As Variant
Dim result As String
ReDim temp(0)

For i = 1 To Search_in_col.Count
If Search_in_col.Cells(i, 1) = Search_string Then
temp(UBound(temp)) = Return_val_col.Cells(i, 1).Value
ReDim Preserve temp(UBound(temp) + 1)
End If

If temp(0) <> "" Then
ReDim Preserve temp(UBound(temp) - 1)
Unique temp
For i = LBound(temp) To UBound(temp)
result = result & " " & temp(i)
Next i
Lookup_concat = Trim(result)
Lookup_concat = ""
End If

End Function

Function Unique(tempArray As Variant)

Dim coll As New Collection
Dim Value As Variant

On Error Resume Next
For Each Value In tempArray
If Len(Value) > 0 Then coll.Add Value, CStr(Value)
Next Value
On Error GoTo 0

ReDim tempArray(0)

For Each Value In coll
tempArray(UBound(tempArray)) = Value
ReDim Preserve tempArray(UBound(tempArray) + 1)
Next Value

End Function

After you insert this VBA code in the Module, please type the formula =Lookup_concat(E2,$A$2:$A$14,$C$2:$C$14) into a blank cell where you want to output the result, and then drag the fill hanlde down to get all matching values. Please see the file I uploaded in this comment. Hope it solves your problem. 

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Hi, Thanks so much this worked!I used it to pull dates, that populated in the serial number format (<span style="letter-spacing: 0.2px; color: inherit; font-family: inherit; font-style: inherit; font-variant-ligatures: inherit; font-variant-caps: inherit; font-weight: inherit;">Changing the format to short date format using =TEXT(A2,”mm/dd/yy”) OR =DATEVALUE(A2) are not working. Do you have any solutions?</span>
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Thank you for the explanations, however the function 'MultipleLookupNoRept' does not work on my file, could you tell me if an error exists.
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Hi, Hasnae,Please check if you miss the third step -  check Microsoft Scripting Runtime option in the Available References list box.

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Thank you so much for the code. Is there a way I can use the code to look up multiple values from multiple sheets? I tried to combine your function with IFERROR function but it doesn't seem to work.
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Can this be modified to place the sum of those values? Instead of (400 400 400 400 400 400), can it sum them to show (2400)?
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How with HLookUp function?
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thanks for the code. I have modified it to allow you to optionally specify your own separator, Default is " ", if you specify the separator as"#cr" it will insert a CR/LF so the values will be on a separate line in the cell. It only applies the separator if there are multiple values

Function MYVLOOKUP(pValue As String, pWorkRng As Range, pIndex As Long, Optional ByVal pSep As Variant)

' ### Returns multiple values from a table into 1 cell ###

' pValue is the key value to lookup

' WorkRng is the Table you want to look up

' pIndex is the column # for the values to be returned from the pWorkRng

' pSep (optional) is the separator to be used. if omitted then default is a space (it doesn't apply the separator for the 1st entry)

' if the separtor = "#cr" it will separate the values on different line in the cell

Dim rng As Range

Dim sSep As String

Dim xResult As String

Dim Item1 As Boolean

Item1 = True

If IsMissing(pSep) = True Then

sSep = vbCr


If pSep = "#cr" Then

sSep = vbCrLf


sSep = pSep

End If

End If

xResult = ""

For Each rng In pWorkRng

If rng = pValue Then

If Item1 Then

xResult = xResult & rng.Offset(0, pIndex - 1)

Item1 = False


xResult = xResult & sSep & rng.Offset(0, pIndex - 1)

End If

End If



End Function
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Thank you for this, the line breaks are what i needed to top this formula off! Question, is there a way to modify the code so that two values are compared? For example, similar to what we see with index and match, can i look for Product and Quantity columns, and based on those parameters it outputs results from the Region Column?
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Thanks a lot for this code, it is very helpful. Does anyone know away to sum the values in the cell to just have at total of them.
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Hello, James, to sum values based on the corresponding items, the following article may help you, please chek it:
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I have a server, it has connected with multiple applications. I want to compare compare two column and get the related applications details for that server.

What is the command for that.
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