

用戶使用特定命令時,Word會自動插入域代碼,默認情況下,域代碼是隱藏的。 本教程將向您展示如何在Word中顯示和隱藏域代碼。

顯示或隱藏Word 2003中的域代碼

在Word 2007/2010/2013中顯示或隱藏域代碼

使用Kutools for Word顯示或隱藏域代碼


Kutools for Word:整合人工智慧 🤖,超過 100 種進階功能可節省 50% 的文件處理時間。免費下載

Office Tab:在 Word(和其他 Office 工具)中引入類似瀏覽器的選項卡,簡化了多重文件導覽。免費下載

箭頭藍色右氣泡 顯示或隱藏Word 2003中的域代碼

Office 標籤:為 Word、Excel、PowerPoint 帶來選項卡式介面...
立即增強您的工作流程。      了解更多       免費下載

步驟1:點擊 工具 菜單>單擊 選項

步驟2:點擊 瀏覽 選項卡,檢查 域碼 in 顯示 組以顯示文檔中的域代碼。

箭頭藍色右氣泡 在Word 2007/2010/2013中顯示或隱藏域代碼

步驟1:在Word 2007中,單擊 Office 圖標 word07-office圖標 ,然後單擊 Word選項“;

在Word 2010/2013中,單擊 文件 選項卡 word10-文件選項卡 ,然後單擊 選項.

步驟2:點擊 高級,然後檢查 顯示域代碼 而不是它們的值來在文檔中顯示域代碼。

箭頭藍色右氣泡 使用Kutools for Word顯示或隱藏域代碼

你有之後 Kutools for Word 安裝後,您可以快速顯示或隱藏文檔中的域代碼。

Kutools for Word,一個方便的加載項,包括多組工具,可簡化您的工作並增強處理Word文檔的能力。 免費試用45天! 立即行動吧!!

1.請點擊以下方式應用此實用程序 企業 > 顯示設置。 看截圖:

2。 在 顯示設定 對話框,檢查 場代碼 框,然後單擊 關閉。 顯示當前文檔中的所有域代碼。 看截圖:

欲了解更多信息,請訪問: 在Word中快速顯示域代碼.


Kutools for Word - 透過 Over 提升您的文字體驗 100 顯著特點!

🤖 Kutools 人工智慧助手:用人工智慧改變你的寫作 - 生成內容  /  重寫文字  /  總結文件  /  查詢資料 基於文檔,全部在Word中

📘 文件掌握: 分頁  /  合併文件  /  以各種格式匯出選擇(PDF/TXT/DOC/HTML...)  /  批次轉換為PDF  /  將頁面匯出為圖像  /  一次列印多個文件...

內容編輯: 批量查找和替換 跨多個文件  /  調整所有圖片的大小  /  轉置表行和列  /  將表格轉換為文字...

🧹 輕鬆清潔: 移開 多餘的空間  /  分節符  /  所有標題  /  文本框  /  超鏈接  / 如需更多拆卸工具,請前往我們的 刪除組...

創意插入: 插入 千位分隔符  /  複選框  /  單選按鈕  /  QR Code  /  條碼  /  對角線表  /  公式標題  /  圖片說明  /  表格標題  /  多張圖片  / 發現更多 插入組...

🔍 精準選擇:精確定位 特定頁面  /    /  形狀  /  標題段落  / 增強導航功能 更多 選擇功能...

星級增強: 快速導航至任何位置  /  自動插入重複文字  /  在文檔視窗之間無縫切換  /  11 轉換工具...

???? 想嘗試這些功能嗎? Kutools for Word 提供了 60天免費試用,沒有任何限制! 🚀
Comments (17)
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Can Kutools display more of the field codes, that are not displayed by Microsoft Word's Alt+F9?

I would like to see the field codes for auto-numbered lists. I know that Microsoft Word does not treat them in this way and that I can't view them but presumably they must be generated by some sort of markup language that I can't see (even using Alt+F9).
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Hi, I switched off "show field codes" in Word option but when I convert to PDF it is showing again. How to switch off in PDF as well?
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Thank you very much, I have been looking for this answer a long time ago, I was getting crazy about this issue: no formulas, no table of content, etc. By the way, it work in Word 2016 as well, that's my case
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Grate article, We at Addhunters shifted this service to a level much higher than the broker concept. you can see more details like this article Property for sale
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Hi, My word document shows the following codes. Can anyone help me to recover it back.


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Great help, thanks so much!
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I open word file in word 2013 is open accurately but I open same file in word 2016 some field codes is scattered or not converted in field values.
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Once I have saved my document with field codes showing in gray, I send it to another user. They cannot see the grayed fields without using the Advanced formatting. I don't want users to have to do this. Is there a solution to keep my formatting when someone else opens the file? Thanks.
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Thank you! Somehow, I activated this function to show codes instead of values, and I could not figure out how to de-activate it. Your simple solution worked. :)
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In Word 2007 I cannot show the field code of an image linked to the document the same way as in word 2003 { INCLUDE PICTURE "../images/phot1.png" \MERGEFORMAT \d} Impossible to toggle from the value to the field code (Alt F9 doesn't function). Impossible to have a relative path. Thank you
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Good commnet but I don't see no any reaction since 4 years :(
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