






2.然後右鍵單擊一個文檔,然後選擇 在新窗口打開 命令在新的選項卡式文檔界面中打開文檔。

3。 “ 文件B 將顯示在新的選項卡式窗口中,如以下屏幕截圖所示。 您現在可以將其拖到另一台監視器中。



2.此功能僅適用於位於計算機硬盤中的文檔,如果從網絡磁盤打開文件,則此選項不可用。 您可以通過將鼠標置於文件選項卡上來檢查文件路徑,如以下屏幕截圖所示:


如果要在使用Office應用程序時創建並顯示新文檔,則 在新窗口中新建 選項可以幫您一個忙。

1.右鍵單擊選項卡,然後選擇 在新窗口中新建,請參見屏幕截圖:




2.此功能僅適用於Office 2013及更高版本。

在Firefox,Chrome和IE 10等Microsoft Office應用程序中使用標籤頁!

30天免費試用| 現在買

Comments (6)
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When i click "Open in New Window",WORD shows "Server execution failed" . Why?
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Save the files, close the window you don't want, so you only have one single window of Excel open, then just open the file you closed normally, all your files will be in a single window again. Not a perfect solution, but like so many things, it's a workaround :)
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Is there a way to put all the tabs back together again? Sometimes I need them on separate screens but later want them on the same screen. I can pull them apart, I can not put back together.
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I want to open the "same file" in two different windows, how to do that with Office Tab enabled. In normal Excel it's easy.
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exactly please answer this point. This is what is preventing me from paying for your product. this is a feature of Word, Excel that I use every day and it is disabled with your plugin, so I actually removed your plug in, even though I would otherwise use it
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