

假設您已收到一些97-2003格式的Word文檔,如何將所有這些.doc格式文檔一次批量轉換為.docx格式? 本文將向您展示兩種解決此問題的方法。

使用Kutools for Word將.doc格式文件批量轉換為.docx


本部分將向您展示VBA代碼,該代碼可將指定文件夾中的所有.doc格式文檔立即轉換為.docx文檔。 請執行以下操作。


2。 按 其他 + F11 鍵打開 Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications 窗口。

3.在窗口中,單擊 插入 > 模塊。 然後將下面的VBA代碼複製到“模塊”窗口中。


Sub ConvertDocToDocx()
'Updated by ExtendOffice 20181128
    Dim xDlg As FileDialog
    Dim xFolder As Variant
    Dim xFileName As String
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Set xDlg = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
    If xDlg.Show <> -1 Then Exit Sub
    xFolder = xDlg.SelectedItems(1) + "\"
    xFileName = Dir(xFolder & "*.doc", vbNormal)
    While xFileName <> ""
        Documents.Open FileName:=xFolder & xFileName, _
            ConfirmConversions:=False, ReadOnly:=False, AddToRecentFiles:=False, _
            PasswordDocument:="", PasswordTemplate:="", Revert:=False, _
            WritePasswordDocument:="", WritePasswordTemplate:="", Format:= _
            wdOpenFormatAuto, XMLTransform:=""
        ActiveDocument.SaveAs xFolder & Replace(xFileName, "doc", "docx"), wdFormatDocumentDefault
        xFileName = Dir()
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

4。 按 F5 鍵來運行代碼。 在開幕 瀏覽 窗口,選擇包含.doc格式文檔的文件夾,然後單擊 OK。 看截圖:


使用Kutools for Word將.doc格式文件批量轉換為.docx

本節將推荐一個方便的實用程序。 隨著 文件/文件 的效用 Kutools for Word,您可以輕鬆地將文件夾中的所有.doc格式文檔轉換為.docx文檔。 請嘗試如下。

Kutools for Word :擁有100多個方便的Word加載項, 免費試用,不受限制 60.

1.請在指定的文件夾中收集所有.doc格式的文檔,然後單擊 Kutools 加 > 文件/文件。 看截圖:

2。 在裡面 文件格式轉換器 對話框,您需要執行以下操作:

2.1)選擇包含.doc格式文檔的文件夾 源文件文件夾 部分;
2.2)選擇 將doc轉換成docx 來自 格式轉換 下拉列表;
2.3)默認情況下, 目標路徑與源相同 框被選中。 如果要將所有已轉換的.docx文檔放置在同一文件夾中,只需選擇此選項即可;
如果要將.docx文檔和源.doc文檔分開,請取消選中 目標路徑與源相同 框,然後選擇一個新文件夾將.docx文檔保存在 儲存 框;
2.4)點擊 開始 按鈕。 看截圖:

3.然後會彈出一個對話框,告訴您已成功轉換了多少文檔,單擊 OK 按鈕並關閉 文件格式轉換器 窗口。

現在,所有.doc格式的文檔都將轉換為.docx文件。 看截圖:

如果您想免費試用該實用程序,請轉到 免費下載軟件 首先,然後按照上述步驟進行操作。


Kutools for Outlook - 超過 100 種強大的功能可增強您的 Outlook

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Dobrý den,
já bych potřeboval, ale VBA script který by fungoval včetně podsložek. Umíte někdo prosím upravit i tento skript? Děkuji.

Good day,
I would need a VBA script that would work including subfolders. Can someone please edit this script as well? Thank you.
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Hi Daniel Beneš,
To include subfolders, please try the following VBA code.
After adding the code, go to the Tools tab, click References, in the opening References - Project dialog box, check the Microsoft Scripting Runtime box, and then click the OK button to save the changes. See the following screenshot:
After that, press the F5 key to run the code.

Sub ConvertDocToDocx()
'Updated by ExtendOffice 20221124
  Dim xDlg As FileDialog
  Dim xFldPath As Variant
  Dim xFileName As String
  On Error Resume Next
  Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  Set xDlg = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
  If xDlg.Show <> -1 Then Exit Sub
  xFldPath = xDlg.SelectedItems(1) + "\"
  Call ListAllFiles(xFldPath)
  Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Function ListAllFiles(FldPath)
  Dim xFSO As FileSystemObject
  Dim xFolder As Folder
  Dim xSubFolder As Folder
  Dim xNewName As String
  On Error Resume Next
  xFileName = Dir(FldPath & "*.doc", vbNormal)
  While xFileName <> ""
    xNewName = VBA.Left$(xFileName, VBA.InStrRev(xFileName, "doc") - 1) & "docx"
    Documents.Open FileName:=FldPath & xFileName, _
        ConfirmConversions:=False, ReadOnly:=False, AddToRecentFiles:=False, _
        PasswordDocument:="", PasswordTemplate:="", Revert:=False, _
        WritePasswordDocument:="", WritePasswordTemplate:="", Format:= _
        wdOpenFormatAuto, XMLTransform:=""
    ActiveDocument.SaveAs FldPath & xNewName, wdFormatDocumentDefault
    xFileName = Dir()
  Set xFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  Set xFolder = xFSO.GetFolder(FldPath)
  For Each xSubFolder In xFolder.SubFolders
    Call ListAllFiles(xSubFolder.Path + "\")
  Set xFSO = Nothing
  Set xFolder = Nothing
End Function
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Nice tool but I got the problem, that I can't convert DOC files (written in capitals!) into docx files.
It works with doc files.
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The following code can help to convert both doc. and DOC. files into docx files. Please give it a try. Thanks for your feedback.

Sub ConvertDocToDocx()
'Updated by ExtendOffice 20220506
    Dim xDlg As FileDialog
    Dim xFolder As Variant
    Dim xFileName As String
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Set xDlg = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
    If xDlg.Show <> -1 Then Exit Sub
    xFolder = xDlg.SelectedItems(1) + "\"
    xFileName = Dir(xFolder & "*.doc", vbNormal)
    While xFileName <> ""
        Documents.Open FileName:=xFolder & xFileName, _
            ConfirmConversions:=False, ReadOnly:=False, AddToRecentFiles:=False, _
            PasswordDocument:="", PasswordTemplate:="", Revert:=False, _
            WritePasswordDocument:="", WritePasswordTemplate:="", Format:= _
            wdOpenFormatAuto, XMLTransform:=""
        ActiveDocument.SaveAs xFolder & Replace(VBA.LCase(xFileName), "doc", "docx"), wdFormatDocumentDefault
        xFileName = Dir()
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
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Thanks for sharing
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Thanks for sharing this useful information.
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This is really insightful article , found it very helpful and informational
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HelloNice post .. Keep sharing.Thank You
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