

本文討論的是更改註釋的默認作者姓名,或將文檔中的現有作者姓名更改為新的作者姓名。 請嘗試以下兩種方法。




如果要更改註釋的作者名稱以供將來使用,請在“ Word選項”窗口中更改“用戶名”。

1.在打開的Word文檔中,單擊 文件 > 選項。 在 Word選項“ 窗口,請確保您位於 標籤,在 用戶名 對話框如下圖所示,最後單擊 OK 按鈕。



如果您收到一個包含大量評論的文檔,並且想要將所有評論的作者姓名更改為某個人,那麼下面的 VBA 代碼將幫您一個忙。

1.選擇包含註釋的範圍,或選擇整個文檔,然後按 按Ctrl + A 鍵,按 其他 + F11 鍵打開 Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications 窗口。

2.在開幕 Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications 窗口中,單擊 插入 > 模塊。 然後將下面的VBA代碼複製到“模塊”窗口中。


Sub ChangeCommentAuthor()
'Updated by EntendOffice 20181112
    Dim I As Long
    Dim xNewName As String
    Dim xShortName As String
    If Selection.Comments.Count = 0 Then
        MsgBox "No comments in your selection!", vbInformation, "KuTools for Word"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    xNewName = InputBox("New author name?", "KuTools for Word")
    xShortName = InputBox("New author initials?", "KuTools for Word")
    If xNewName = "" Or xShortName = "" Then
        MsgBox "The author name/initials can’t be empty.", vbInformation, "Kutools for Word"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    With Selection
        For I = 1 To .Comments.Count
            .Comments(I).Author = xNewName
            .Comments(I).Initial = xShortName
        Next I
    End With
End Sub

3。 按 F5 鍵來運行代碼。 在開幕 評論作者姓名 對話框中,在文本框中輸入新的作者姓名,然後單擊 OK 按鈕。

4.在下一個開口 評論首字母 對話框中,根據需要輸入縮寫,然後單擊 OK 按鈕。



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Comments (32)
Rated 5 out of 5 · 1 ratings
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Hi, thanks for this guide. However I'm stuck at the module step. What do you mean with pressing F5 keys? Can you show me? Thank you
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Hi Carla,

After adding the VBA code, stay in the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window and press the F5 key on your keyboard to run the code.
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Fantastic - many thanks!!!
Rated 5 out of 5
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Thank you, is there a solution to change the picture of the author in the comments into an anonymous one?
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Hi Niccolo,
Sorry can't help you with this problem.
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Cool thanks!
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Boas. No meu caso funcionou muito bem com os "comentarios", mas não alterou o nome de quem fez as "alterações" ao texto. Alguém consegue efectuar a alteração do autor para todos os tipos de marcações: comentarios, alterações, formatação...
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Microsoft ist schon ein Schrott. Je neuer die Versionen sind, umso weniger findet man die Lösung. Wo ändere ich schlichtweg den Autor grundsätzlich. Bei mir wird nichts geändert und ich suche seit über 2 Stunden... einfach nur Schrott das UX von Microschrott
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Excellent information in this post and also in the comments. Thank you everyone.
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Great, worked very well ... thanks
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FOR THOSE WHO WANNA CHANGE AUTHORS ONLY OF CERTAIN COMMENTSOpen your doc with an archiver (e.g. ZIP), go to word folder, find comments.xml file, extract, open with notepad, edit accordingly (ctrl+H to find and change current author and initials to the ones you desire), save, get the file back to word folder in the zip, et voila
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Cette astuce ne fonctionne pas avec toutes les versions d'office
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Cette macro fonctionne bien, mais pour anonymiser l'auteur des corrections dans un texte, il faudrait, en plus de l'auteur des commentaires, pouvoir changer le nom au niveau de marques de révision, et tel n'est pas le cas.
Auriez-vous une solution?
Merci d'avance.
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