

在許多情況下,使用MS Word文檔時需要合併圖像。 例如,您只想合併兩張圖片以達到特殊效果。 沒有圖像編輯器(如Photoshop)的任何幫助,您可以在Word中做什麼? 請查看以下說明。



1。 將要合併的圖像插入Word。 看截圖:

2。 點擊 插入 > 形狀 > 新增繪圖畫布 插入繪圖畫布。

3。 將圖像複製並粘貼到畫布中,然後將其拖動到所需位置。 看截圖:
小提示: 您可以在畫布中選擇圖像,然後單擊鼠標右鍵以打開右鍵單擊菜單,然後從以下位置指定圖像的上方和下方位置: 向前走 or 發送到備份 選項。

4。 選擇您要合併的所有圖像 按Ctrl + A,然後單擊 格式 > 群組 > 群組。 看截圖:

5。 複製合併的圖像,然後單擊畫布上的空白處。 按刪除繪圖畫布 Backspace鍵 按鈕,然後將合併的圖像粘貼到文檔中。


通常,我們可以在Word文檔中手動調整一個圖像的大小。 一張一張地調整許多圖像的大小非常繁瑣。 但是,有了Kutools for Word的 調整圖像大小 實用程序,只需單擊一下,您就可以輕鬆地將所有圖像的大小調整為相同的25%,50%,…等或所選圖像的相同寬度!




Kutools for Word - 透過 Over 提升您的文字體驗 100 顯著特點!

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內容編輯: 批量查找和替換 跨多個文件  /  調整所有圖片的大小  /  轉置表行和列  /  將表格轉換為文字...

🧹 輕鬆清潔: 移開 多餘的空間  /  分節符  /  所有標題  /  文本框  /  超鏈接  / 如需更多拆卸工具,請前往我們的 刪除組...

創意插入: 插入 千位分隔符  /  複選框  /  單選按鈕  /  QR Code  /  條碼  /  對角線表  /  公式標題  /  圖片說明  /  表格標題  /  多張圖片  / 發現更多 插入組...

🔍 精準選擇:精確定位 特定頁面  /    /  形狀  /  標題段落  / 增強導航功能 更多 選擇功能...

星級增強: 快速導航至任何位置  /  自動插入重複文字  /  在文檔視窗之間無縫切換  /  11 轉換工具...

???? 想嘗試這些功能嗎? Kutools for Word 提供了 60天免費試用,沒有任何限制! 🚀
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Tent  an a candle  
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my 4th attempt after signing up so will keep it short.
Use a screen capture after arranging a page in word and then use the pic of that page et voila!
I just wanted an arrow on my pic pointing at something and could not select both pic and arrow to group them and found that solution, a little different that what is suggested here but it may help too
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I want to put several outline boxes on a picture. I followed all your steps, but the outline boxes did not group and they were not copied and pasted along with the picture. I have been trying to do this for years and years with several different versions of Word and have never found a procedure that allows me to copy any shapes I draw onto pictures.
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gracias! vamos!
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Thanks for sharing this useful information
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Thank you, this has quite literally saved my art cousework grade!!
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very nice indeed, pretty easy to understand.
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Great, clear instructions. Needed this urgently lot of thanks!!
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Great, clear instructions. Needed this urgently and it worked a treat. many thanks!!
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No no no. I want to MERGE shapes, not GROUP them. You're using to terms interchangeably. I want to combine two rectangles to make an "L" shape. Or is there another way to make an "L" shape?
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place your 2 images in that shape, then highlight them and then copy and paste as picture
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