

通常,發件人的名稱顯示在“收件箱”文件夾的郵件列表中,但是有時,您可能希望顯示發件人的完整電子郵件地址,如以下屏幕截圖所示。 您如何在Outlook的收件箱中顯示發件人的電子郵件地址?




以下步驟可以幫助您在郵件的列表中顯示發件人的電子郵件地址 收件箱 文件夾,請按以下步驟操作:

1。 點擊 瀏覽 > 添加列,請參見屏幕截圖:


2。 在 顯示列 對話框,請執行以下操作:

(1.)點擊 新列 按鈕去 新列 對話框;

(2.)在 新列 在對話框中,為此新列指定名稱;

(3.)然後選擇 公式 來自 類別 下拉列表;

(4.)然後,將此公式粘貼到 公式 箱: IIf(InStr([SearchFromEmail],“ @”)= 0,“”,左([SearchFromEmail],InStr([SearchFromEmail],“ @”)-1)+“ @” + Mid([SearchFromEmail],InStr( [SearchFromEmail],“ @”)+ 1)).


3。 然後,點擊 OK 回到了 顯示列 對話框,然後選擇創建的新列名稱,然後通過單擊將其移動到所需的位置 提前 按鈕,在此示例中,我將其移至 主題 列,請參見屏幕截圖:


4。 然後,單擊 OK 按鈕關閉此對話框,現在,發件人的電子郵件地址將顯示在郵件列表中,如以下屏幕截圖所示:



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Comments (14)
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I would like to suggest the following formula:

IIf(InStr([SearchFromEmail],"@")=0,"MyCompany: ",IIf(From=[SearchFromEmail],"",[SearchFromEmail]+": "))+[From]

1. Create a new 'column' as described above and name it e.g. SearchFromEmail&From
2. Insert the formula IIf(InStr([SearchFromEmail],"@")=0,"MyCompany: ",IIf(From=[SearchFromEmail],"",[SearchFromEmail]+": "))+[From] and replace MyCompany with e.g. the name of your organisation (followed by a colon and a space)
3. Click 'OK' and drag or move SearchFromEmail&From just underneath the field 'From'
4. Remove 'From' and click 'OK'
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Εμένα στα εισερχόμενα αντί τη διεύθυνση του αποστολέα μου εμφανίζει τη διεύθυνση του παραλήπτη, δηλαδή τη δική μου. Τι μπορώ να κάνω;
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There are some OG's in this comment string. Thanks Ray, I used that to enable what should be a BASIC FEATURE for an email client. Imagine telling someone in 2000 that in 2022 you wouldn't be able to view the address of a sender... in your email client. M$ makes such arbitrary and unnecessary changes.
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how add a column for Primary Email address column when there is on behalf address
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Like one other responder, I am seeking the smtp address for the "To" column.

I thought that if there is a field named "SearchFromEmail", there might be a "SearchToEmail"... but there is not.

It's also difficult to search for "SearchFromEmail" as our modern "helpful" search engines split up the field name into separate words.

In which object is "SearchFromEmail" defined?
Is there an equivalent of "SearchFromEmail" for the "To" column?

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How would I modify the formula to display the To field in my Sent Items folder?

The above works great for displaying the From field in my Inbox for most email addresses. For some reason, it won't display the email address when the Sender is internal to my organization but that's not an issue for me.
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Agree with your comment. Wish there was a simple solution for email address in the sent items as well
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I followed these instructions but changed to formula to the following. It adds the email address on the same line next to the From name just like it shows when you open the email. I then *removed* the From field and added my new EmailAddress field (as I named it) in its place. If the From is the same and the email address, it is only displayed once.
[From]+IIf(InStr([SearchFromEmail],"@")=0,"",IIf(From=[SearchFromEmail],""," <"+[SearchFromEmail]+">"))
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works, but cannot sort from this field
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Hello, I am trying to do the same think but for recipients ("to" or "cc")

Someone can help me ?
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Simpler formula that does the same :

IIf(InStr([SearchFromEmail], "@") = 0, "", [SearchFromEmail])
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Hello, Fred,
Thank you for your comment, this formula is more simpler.
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How it is possible when open the email, to see the full email adress in the adress bar "To: eSky" -----> "To: ******@esky.bg" and not to click on "eSky" and then in new popup to see the full email adress the email was sent to.
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i have this issue too. I hate OUTLOOK
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