

例如,您要創建一個定期會議,每月在Outlook的每月第1個和第3個星期三重複兩次。 有什麼想法可以輕鬆完成嗎? 以下解決方法可能會加快您的工作速度:



實際上,沒有直接方法可以在Outlook中的每個月的第1和第3週三重複創建定期會議。 但是,您可以創建兩個每月定期會議以實現相同的目標。 請執行以下操作:

1。 在 日曆 查看,請點擊 首頁 > 新的會議 創建一個新的會議。

2。 現在將打開一個空白的會議窗口。 請點擊 會議 > 循環。 看截圖:

3。 出現“約會重現”對話框,請: (1)重複模式 部分,請檢查 每月 選項,然後指定 每1個月的第一個星期三 選項; (2) 根據需要指定約會時間和重複範圍; (3) 點擊 OK 按鈕。

4。 它返回到“會議系列”窗口,請根據需要添加與會者,主題,位置和會議內容,最後單擊 送出 按鈕。


5。 在 日曆 視圖,請選擇您剛才創建的任何新的定期會議,將其拖放到另一個日期並按住 按Ctrl 鍵。

6。 現在,將選定的事件複製到新日期。 請雙擊以打開粘貼的內容。

7。 在會議窗口中,請單擊 會議 > 循環。 看截圖:

8。 在“約會重現”對話框中,請執行以下操作: (1) 重複模式 部分,檢查 每月 選項,然後指定 每1個月的第三個星期三 選項; (2) 指定與第一次每月定期會議相同的重複範圍; (3) 點擊 OK 按鈕。

9。 現在返回“會議系列”窗口,請單擊 送出 直接點擊。



使用Kutools for Outlook的 電子郵件重複 功能,您可以在多個郵件文件夾中快速找到並刪除它們,或者在Outlook中單擊兩次即可從所選郵件文件夾中找到並刪除所有重複項。

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尖端: 在這個視頻裡, 庫工具 選項卡添加者 Kutools for Outlook。 如果需要,請單擊 這裡 免費試用60天!



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Comments (11)
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tôi tạo cuộc hẹn vòng lặp mỗi tháng, có cách nào mail gửi nhắc nhở trước giờ diễn ra cuộc họp k? VD 5h chiều họp thì mail sẽ báo từ 10h sáng nhắc nhở rằng 5h chiều tôi có cuộc họp.
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Hello A,
Yes, you can set up the reminder time of your Recurring Meeting. When you create the new meeting, under the Meeting Series tab, go to the Options section. You will see the Reminder option, just specify the reminder time as you need.
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I'd like to know how to do this in Outlook Online.
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Hello Phillip,
Glad to help. To create a recurring meeting in Outlook on the web, first, you should switch to the Calendar view. Then click the New Event button in the upper-left corner of the Outlook page. In the popper-up new page, click More Options. After that, remember to change the repeat pattern from never repeat to custom. Specify the recurring pattern as you need.
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I want the event to reoccur on the 1st Sunday of each month and the last 2 Sundays of each month, is it possible to use the tool in that way?
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Hello Jo,
Glad to help. You can use the tool like the article twice to create the meeting reoccurring on the 1st Sunday of each month and the last 2 Sundays of each month. The first one is to reoccur on the 1st Sunday of each month. The second one is to reoccur on the last 2 Sundays of each month.
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For clarity, the series for both the first Wednesday and third Wednesday are two separate meeting series, not one.
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Hello T,
Thanks for your comment. We do need to create the Recurrence twice so the meeting can recur on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday Of every month. But in essence, it is one meeting because the appointment time and location are not changed.
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How do you make a recurring meeting for every fifth Saturday?
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In the Appointment Recurrence dialog box, please do as follows: (1) In the Recurrence Pattern section, check Weekly option. Input 5 to set the email recur every 5 weeks on, and then check Saturday in the checkbox.
(2). In the Range of recurrence, specify the date range. If you want to pattern to run endlessly, you can choose the No end date option.
Then Click the OK button.

Hope it helps. Have a nice day.
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Hello, if I want to set up a meeting on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month exept for one particular month, am I able to select/skip that date in the settings?
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