

假設您收到一封電子郵件,其中包含Outlook中的多個嵌入式或嵌入式圖像,現在要保存它們,有什麼簡單的解決方案嗎? 本文將介紹兩種技巧,可以輕鬆地將所有內聯圖像從電子郵件輕鬆批量複製或保存到您的硬盤文件夾。


實際上,您可以使用Outlook的電子郵件將Outlook中的電子郵件中的一個嵌入式/嵌入式圖像複製或保存到硬盤上。 另存為圖片 功能。

1。 去的 郵件 視圖,打開包含帶有內嵌圖像的指定電子郵件的郵件文件夾,然後單擊電子郵件以在“閱讀窗格”中將其打開。

2。 右鍵單擊要保存的嵌入式圖像,然後選擇 另存為圖片 從右鍵單擊菜單中。 看截圖:

3。 在打開的“文件保存”對話框中,請打開將內嵌圖像保存到的目標文件夾,在 文件名 框中,然後單擊 節省 按鈕。 看截圖:



通常,在Outlook中回復電子郵件時,原始附件會被刪除。 但是,夢幻般 帶附件回复 Kutools for Outlook的功能,您可以在Outlook中回復電子郵件時輕鬆保留所有電子郵件附件。



要保存多個內聯圖像,可能會很繁瑣且浪費時間。 另存為圖片 特徵。 有什麼方法可以將所有內聯/嵌入式圖像從Outlook中的一封電子郵件批量複製或保存到硬盤嗎? 是的,請嘗試以下方法:

1。 去的 郵件 視圖,打開包含帶有內嵌圖像的指定電子郵件的郵件文件夾,然後在郵件列表中選擇它。

2。 請點擊 文件 > 另存為.

3。 在“另存為”對話框中,請執行以下操作(請參見下面的屏幕截圖): (1) 打開目標文件夾,您將內聯圖像保存到其中; (2) 在需要的地方輸入名稱 文件名 框; (3) 選擇 HTML 來自 保存類型 下拉列表; (4) 點擊 節省 按鈕。

到目前為止,您已將所有內聯圖像批量保存在指定的電子郵件中。 看截圖:


4。 關閉消息窗口。



Kutools for Outlook - 超過 100 種強大的功能可增強您的 Outlook

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Comments (45)
Rated 4.5 out of 5 · 1 ratings
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Hello. Is there any way to save all pics from a folder? not just an email, but the full folder
Thank you!
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Hi there,

You could try Kutools' Save All Attachments feature. However, you could not do that on a folder, but select all emails from a folder:

1. Select a folder, and then press Ctrl + A to select all messages.
2. On Kutools tab, select Attachment Tools > Save All.
3. In the Save Settings dialog, click Advanced options, and then check Attachment type, and enter ".png;.jpg;.gif" or other extensions as you need.

For more details of using the feature, please go to the tutorial: https://www.extendoffice.com/product/kutools-for-outlook/outlook-save-all-attachments.html

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But why do they make something simple unavaible. We should have less steps to be productive so lame. right click save all instead forced to embed via ios forced to receive from ios as embeded so stupid
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Thanks! Good solution and to the point
Rated 4.5 out of 5
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Here is another way. Open the email with the embedded pics, click on file, print, when pop up shows, print to pdf (however your computer does this using whatever software you have for printing pdf's). Now you will hit print and it will ask where you want to save the print and you will select the file. You will now have all the pics become pdf files for each photo, however they layout on the sheets that you got by email. Later you can open the file and revise the pdf if you want.
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Awesome!  Thank you so much for this, it will save me a lot of time going forward.  
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Brilliant, thanks
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Thank you so so much for this. My days of painfully saving each individual image are over!!
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Thank you! Easy and perfect solution.
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Is there a way to save all inline pictures at once as separate jpeg files?
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the instructions above detail this exact scenario. You need to save it as an HTML file and it'll dump a folder in the same location with all the images in it
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This has increased my productivity several fold, thank you for the tips. Some clients often send me e-mails with inline photos, possibly because their mobile outlook program does this, and I used to right-click and save them individually since it didn't happen that often.
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