

通常,當我們在Outlook的周視圖中顯示日曆時,它僅顯示該日曆的一周。 要查看此日曆中的上一個/下一個星期,Outlook用戶必須單擊此日曆頂部的“後退/前進”按鈕。 查看屏幕截圖:

實際上,在Outlook中,我們只能輕鬆地在日曆中顯示兩個相鄰的星期。 請參閱以下屏幕截圖:

Office 標籤 - 在 Microsoft Office 中啟用選項卡式編輯和瀏覽,讓工作變得輕而易舉
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使用這些進階功能增強您的 Outlook 2021 - 2010 或 Outlook 365。 享受全面的 60 天免費試用並提升您的電子郵件體驗!

在Outlook的日曆月視圖中顯示兩個相鄰的星期非常容易。 您可以執行以下操作:


確保日曆位於“日曆”視圖中。 如果沒有,請點擊 更改視圖 > 日曆 瀏覽 標籤(或點擊 瀏覽 > 目前來看 > 日/週/月 在Outlook 2007中)。


如果您的日曆顯示在“日/工作週/週/月”視圖中,則在“日期導航器”中選擇兩個相鄰的星期後,它將僅在當前日曆的月視圖中顯示所選的兩週。 請參見上面的屏幕截圖。



Kutools for Outlook - 超過 100 種強大的功能可增強您的 Outlook

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So, I have followed Scott's instructions several times (thanks!). Each time, the calendar looks great, two weeks displayed in two rows, but when I save it, it changes to show only three days. Anyone have a solution or know what I am doing wrong?
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Thank you Scott, for providing the information we were actually after. The method outlined in the original article sucks balls.
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I too would like to know how to have it always display 2 weeks at a time. This is pretty much the only way I view my calendar so every time I go in I have to select the 2 weeks.
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So here's how to get a 2 week view maintaining the current day as the first day of the view and keep it as the default calendar view (works in Outlook 360 and I assume this works for previous editions) 1. Click calendar "Day" view so only one day appears 2. Hold down ALT and zero 3. In the calendar navigator 10 days in advance will be highlighted 4. Hold down the CTRL key and click the additional 4 days in navigator (following the 10 already highlighted) so you can now see a "14 day view" 5. Now click the VIEW tab, then click Change View>Save current View as a New View and accept whatever default name is offered Hope this helps you as it did me!
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Wow! This is the first time I've seen instructions to create a 2 week calendar default view that actually work! Thank you! One more question, tho...is there a way to make the two weeks one above the other? (week one above week 2)
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Brilliant...! Thank you.
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THANKS - I was o looking for this!
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Thanks so much for sharing this! In my version, this makes 14 continuous days appear (14 columns) instead of 2 rows of 7 days each. Am I doing something wrong or is this how it shows up for you as well?
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use the mouse pointer only to highlight the days in the calendar box (no shift, ctrl, etc.) just hold down the pointer and drag across the days you want
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This did not work when I used the numbers from the 10 key number pad on the side, but when I used the numbers across the top of the keyboard it works. Your explanation of the steps was more clear than others I've read. Thanks
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this is exactly what I needed. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR SHARING THIS INFO!!!!!!
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No -- This only works for 30-50 seconds; then there is some kind of refresh/update event which resets the view to Month view. How can you make the 2-week view persist indefinitely and not be automatically reset to Month ever minute? Thank you.
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