
如何在Windows 7/8/10中的Outlook中更改功能區字體大小?

Outlook用戶可能很容易在導航窗格中更改字體大小,更改用於創建/回复/轉發消息的字體大小,或更改便箋中的字體大小等。但是,您甚至考慮過在色帶,如何? 實際上,如果要放大或縮小Outlook功能區中的字體,則必須在Windows的“控制面板”中配置設置。 在本文中,我將逐步介紹在Outlook中更改功能區字體大小的方法。

在Windows 7中的Outlook中更改功能區字體大小

在Windows 8中的Outlook中更改功能區字體大小

在Windows 10中的Outlook中更改功能區字體大小

箭頭藍色右氣泡在Windows 7中的Outlook中更改功能區字體大小

如果您當前正在使用Windows 7,則可以通過以下步驟在Outlook中更改功能區字體大小:

步驟1:轉到桌面,右鍵單擊空白處,然後選擇 個性化 從右鍵單擊菜單中。

步驟2:在彈出的控制面板(個性化)中,點擊 Windows顏色 按鈕在底部。

步驟3:在新的控制面板中,點擊 高級外觀設置。 查看屏幕截圖:


(1)點擊 項目 框,然後選擇 選項 從下拉列表中;

(2)點擊 字體 框,然後從下拉列表中指定一種字體;

(3)點擊 尺寸 除了的盒子 字體 框,然後從下拉列表中指定字體大小。

(4)點擊 OK 按鈕以應用更改。


箭頭藍色右氣泡在Windows 8中的Outlook中更改功能區字體大小

在Windows 8中,要在Microsoft Outlook中更改功能區字體大小,請執行以下操作:

步驟1:轉到桌面,右鍵單擊空白處,然後選擇 個性化 從右鍵單擊菜單中。

第2步:在彈出的控制面板(個性化設置)中,請點擊 顯示屏 在左邊查看屏幕截圖:

步驟3:現在,控制面板(顯示)打開。 轉到 只改變文字大小 部分,單擊第一個框,然後選擇 菜單 從下拉列表中,然後單擊第二個框並從下拉列表中指定字體大小。

步驟4:點擊 登記 按鈕,然後關閉控制面板。

現在,Microsoft Outlook功能區中的所有字體都將立即更改。

在Windows 10中的Outlook中更改功能區字體大小

如果您使用的是Windows 10,請按照以下步驟操作:

在桌面上,右鍵單擊以顯示上下文菜單,單擊 顯示設置.

然後在 設定 窗口中,將按鈕拖入 更改文字,應用程序和其他項目的大小: 部分以調整功能區字體的大小。 單擊“應用”使其生效。

在Outlook中將多封電子郵件保存或導出到其他fomat文件(PDF / HTML / WORD / EXCEL)

有時,您可能希望將電子郵件作為其他格式的文件(例如Outlook中的PDF,Word或Excel文件)保存或導出到文件夾。 在Outlook中,“另存為”和“導出”功能均不能處理此作業。 然而, Kutools for Outlook's Save as file 實用程序可以一次將多個電子郵件導出為多種格式的文件。    點擊免費試用60天!
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如何更改Outlook Notes中的字體?






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Comments (31)
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Thank you for the tip to resize the fonts for Outlook Ribbon in Window 10!
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Thanks pal!
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Owe you a beer for that. Thanks.
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I owe you a beer for that now!!! hahaha Many thanks.
The "My First Outlook" is now back to adult version!
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My ribbon icons and text were ridiculously large. This is how I fixed it:
File/Options/General/User Interface Options / When using multiple display = Optmize for compatibility

Prior to that it was set to "Optmize for best appearance"

You will need to restart Outlook after changing this setting.
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Thank you, Flashman! It's just what I needed and I would  never have figured that out on my own!!
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THANK YOU!  Much appreciated! :)
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It worked, thanks a lot
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After a year still helping people like me :)Thanks!
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You're the best. THANKS!!!
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Thank you for a real fix, rather than a workaround!
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Thank you for Actually having a fix for this.
This comment was minimized by the moderator on the site
Yes, this worked. the Author's solution to change everything wasn't an option as other apps were not affected.
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Thank You. This worked!
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Worked Grate. Thank you!
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My ribbon icons and text were ridiculously SMALL. This worked for me, thank you!
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Thank you, worked for me!
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it work to perfection - thank you :)
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This worked for me. Thanks for the help!
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The solution above did not work for me, but I figured it out. For Windows 10 Enterprise, get to the Windows Settings home screen. Click the "Ease of Access" option. You will see a section that says "Make Everything Bigger" where you can "Change the size of apps and text on the main display." My setting was already set to the recommended 150% but for some reason my Outlook ribbon/toolbar was smaller than usual. I clicked the 125% option which obviously didn't help and then back to 150%, which fixed the problem. Follow these steps and you should be good to go!
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This worked great for me in Windows 10! Not only did it fix my huge Outlook 2016 ribbon, but it also made my entire Windows environment better! Much appreciated.
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Still doesn't work in Windows 10. Agree with other posters about Win 10 being garbage.
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Doesn't work in Windows 10, i.e. no way to change the ribbon font size or size of the ribbon when it's displayed. Windows 10 = piece of garbage. Win 7 far better.
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Ribbon font size got big all of a sudden one day, even the fonts at the desktop. But the fonts of icons or title menus were able to be changed to smaller ones but the Ribbon font size won't seem to change even after changing the font size. Please help me out
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Changing the text size in 'Display' settings worked like a charm ! Cheers :)
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