

您可能熟悉Microsoft Outlook中的規則,但是您知道如何在一個電子郵件帳戶中關閉規則嗎? 如何從一個電子郵件帳戶中刪除所有規則? 如果在Microsoft Outlook中快速從所有電子郵件帳戶中刪除所有規則,該怎麼辦? 在這裡,我們將向您展示如何關閉或刪除Microsoft Outlook中的所有規則。



要在Microsoft Outlook中關閉或刪除電子郵件帳戶中的所有規則,請執行以下操作:



  1. 在Outlook 2007中,請點擊 工具 > 規則和警報;
  2. 在Outlook 2010和2013中,請點擊 規則 > 管理規則和警報 首頁 標籤。


您可以通過取消選中規則前面的複選框來關閉規則。 要關閉所有規則,只需取消選中所有規則之前的所有復選框。 請參閱以下屏幕截圖:


如果要刪除此電子郵件帳戶中的所有規則,請在“規則和警報”對話框中選擇所有規則,然後單擊 刪除 按鈕。 請參見上面的屏幕截圖。

然後在彈出的警告對話框中,單擊 按鈕。

注意:按住 轉移 鍵,您可以通過單擊第一個規則和最後一個規則來選擇所有規則。


當然,您可以分別刪除每個電子郵件帳戶中的所有規則。 在這裡,我將展示一種非常簡單的方法,可以快速刪除所有電子郵件帳戶中的所有規則。

步驟1:退出Microsoft Outlook。

步驟2:按一下[開啟]對話方塊 Win 關鍵和 R 關鍵在同一時間。

第3步:在“運行”對話框中,輸入 outlook.exe / cleanrules ,在 已提交 框中,然後單擊 OK 按鈕。

然後,您將進入Microsoft Outlook,並完全刪除每個電子郵件帳戶中的所有規則。




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Comments (11)
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These instructions don't seem to work in Outlook 365. I have no rules set and I am still have emails being sent to the Trash folder that I do not want to be deleted.
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Hi there, if removing or turning off rules in Outlook 365 doesn't solve the issue of emails being sent to the Trash folder, consider these steps:

Check Server-Side Rules: Use the Outlook web app to inspect for any hidden rules.
Review Junk Email Settings: Check your Junk Email settings in both the Outlook client and the Outlook web app to ensure they are not too aggressive and to see if the senders are mistakenly marked as junk.
Disable Focused Inbox: Outlook 365 has a feature called Focused Inbox that sorts your emails into two tabs - Focused and Other. Ensure that this sorting is not causing the confusion. If needed, you can turn off Focused Inbox from the View tab in Outlook settings.
Inspect Additional Filtering or Sweeping Rules: In the Outlook web app, there's a feature called "Sweep" that can automate how emails from specific senders are managed. Ensure no Sweep rules are inadvertently affecting your emails.
Evaluate Third-Party Add-Ins: Run Outlook in Safe Mode to see if add-ins are causing the issue.
Contact Microsoft Support: If issues persist, seek assistance from Microsoft Support.
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How to stop a hacked rule from constantly reappearing in my Hotmail rules. I have deleted it multiple time and it keeps appearing and sending my emails in my Inbox to Archive
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After deleting the rules from my outlook, I am not receiving email only from those people I created rules, from rest receiving without any error.
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in my outlook automaticlly display my name in reply to all ...so can i clear all the rules it will solve are not ??
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no, you need to update your signature
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How do you turn off the cancel all feature on the send and receive tab
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Why are one of your rules named kkk?.......
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LOL, that is freaking hilarious...
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I have removed all rules however there are two rules which still show up above the Create Rule icon in the rules drop down box I cannot get rid of these and my mail still keeps being removed from my in box when I change folders. This is becoming very frustrating. Phil
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ok. so. there was a rule for emails to automatically print. i removed the rule and the emails stopped printing. great. but that was yesterday and today it is STILL PRINTING WITHOUT THE RULES IN PLACE. I've looked everywhere on how to correct this and it ould be anything from groups to cleaning outlook folders. what do I do?
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