
如何在安全/離線模式下打開Microsoft Outlook?

有時,您可能需要在特殊模式下(例如安全模式,脫機模式等)打開Microsoft Outlook。在本文中,我將向您展示如何在安全模式和脫機模式下快速打開Microsoft Outlook。 。

在安全模式下打開Microsoft Outlook

在脫機模式下打開Microsoft Outlook

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Kutools for Outlook - 透過 100 多個進階功能增強 Outlook,實現卓越效率
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箭頭藍色右氣泡在安全模式下打開Microsoft Outlook

通常,當Microsoft Outlook被第三方加載項或擴展程序之類的東西破壞時,它將在安全模式下自動重啟。 如果要在不運行任何加載項的情況下手動打開Microsoft Outlook,則可以輕鬆以安全模式打開Microsoft Outlook。

在安全模式下打開Microsoft Outlook之前,請先關閉所有Microsoft Outlook程序。

步驟1:按一下[開啟]對話方塊 Windows 關鍵和 R 同時按下鍵盤上的鍵。

第2步:在“運行”對話框中,輸入 outlook.exe /安全 ,在 打開: 框。 查看屏幕截圖:

步驟3:點擊 OK 按鈕。

然後,Microsoft Outlook將打開,而不加載任何第三方加載項。

備註:通過重新啟動Microsoft Outlook,很容易退出安全模式並切換到普通視圖。

箭頭藍色右氣泡在脫機模式下打開Microsoft Outlook

您知道Microsoft Outlook允許用戶手動斷開郵件服務器的連接嗎? 如果您不想在一段時間內收到任何電子郵件,可以通過暫時斷開Outlook與郵件服務器的連接來使Microsoft Outlook脫機工作。

  1. 在Outlook 2007中,請點擊 文件 > 離線辦公.
  2. 在Outlook 2010和2013中,轉到 偏好 組上 發送/接收 標籤,單擊以突出顯示 離線辦公 按鈕。

備註:如果Microsoft Outlook脫機工作,您將查看 脫機工作 離線 在Outlook 2007中)。 查看屏幕截圖:

同時,如果Microsoft Outlook 2010和2013脫機工作,您將在Windows任務欄上看到以下Outlook圖標。

備註:如果要立即將Microsoft Outlook連接到郵件服務器,請單擊 離線辦公 上的按鈕 發送/接收 標籤在Outlook 2010和2013中再次顯示,或單擊 文件 > 離線辦公 在Outlook 2007中。


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Comments (18)
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How do i fix "This site requires a security code to sign in. When your security info updates on 4/21/2021 you will be able to access this site. You can still access sites such as Outlook and Skype that don't require a security code."
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START OUTLOOK OFFLINE WITHOUT INTERNET ACCESS: (Best for Microsoft Exchange Mailbox situations)

1. Click Start > Type outlook.exe > Right click > Open File Location
2. Shift Right Click on Outlook > Copy As Path
3. Windows Key + R (to open Run Box) > type wf.msc and click ok.
4. RIGHT click "Outbound Rule" > "New Rule"
5. Program > Next
6. This Program > Ctrl V > Remove the double quotes at the beginning and end. > Next
7. Block the Connection > Next
8. Name it something: BLOCK OUTLOOK > Finish

You can now run outlook offline without having to changing stuff in the registry. The registry option isn't hard, but it's a hex entry which can be difficult to handle. AND, blocking it with the firewall guarantees no inadvertent deselecting "Work Offline." You will see at the bottom right that Outlook is just "disconnected." The "Work Offline" mode will not be enabled, but your Outlook will have no internet access.

When you're done trying to salvage the career-ending email from going out, you can do the following to undo the outlook block.

1. Windows Key + R (to open Run Box) > type wf.msc and click ok. (Assuming you already closed it)
2. Click Outbound
3. Right Click BLOCK OUTLOOK > Disable Rule (or Delete if you don't think you'll ever need it again).
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So how do I open Microsoft Outlook In Offline Mode? The above solution only works if Outlook is already running!
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in outlook 2019 I have a problem with icon of forwarded messages when i forward a mail it doesn't appear on the column the icon of fw message
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"Open Microsoft Outlook In Offline Mode" - proceeds to tell how to change to offline mode AFTER the application is open. Quite different to the subject.
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Agreed. I need to know how to put it in offline mode before it tries to connect to the server.
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Hi, you may just disconnect the computer from network and then open Outlook. While it can't connect you have enough time change to offline mode.
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How to convert OST to PST for free?
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With Win10 Settings Panel you can now set a Network Adapter as "Metered" - When in "Metered" State, Outlook will not connect. Confirmed in 2013/2016. Along the same lines as MV's post but would still provide network access to other items. However if your IT admin has prevented you from modifying computer settings, you can also pull a network cable or turn off Wi-Fi, unplug wireless router.
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Bro legend. You saved us. Thanks.
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@DW... Strongly tempted to not respond given your attitude, but did you try my suggested method - immediately above your comment? Pretty sure that would work...
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Step 1 doesn't work (Office 2010). Step 2 works fine if you are already running Office. Useless explanations.
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I have a workaround, for Office 2016 at least - "Disable" all network adapters (inc. wireless), and then open Outlook. Once Outlook is open, you can set it to "work offline" and re-enable the network adapters.
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Muchas gracias, tu solución fue efectiva en mi caso. Mi laptop es mi PC en trabajo remoto.
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unfortunately, you can´t do this remotely :/
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