

例如,您記住一個短語,並且想要查找包含此特定短語的電子郵件。 與往常一樣,您可以在“搜索”框中鍵入整個短語,但是搜索結果將顯示符合該短語中僅包含一個或多個單詞的屬性的所有電子郵件。 因此,您必須花時間在那些不需要的電子郵件中提取電子郵件。 在這種情況下,您可以應用精確搜索來過濾所需的電子郵件。 在本文中,我們將向您展示一種在Outlook中搜索包含整個特定短語的郵件的技巧。 使用此方法後,您將在搜索時立即收到理想的消息。


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Kutools for Outlook - 透過 100 多個進階功能增強 Outlook,實現卓越效率
使用這些進階功能增強您的 Outlook 2021 - 2010 或 Outlook 365。 享受全面的 60 天免費試用並提升您的電子郵件體驗!



2.然後輸入整個短語 帶引號 在搜索框中。

例如,鍵入 “存檔的新方法” 在搜索框中。


如果要搜索所有電子郵件文件夾,請單擊 所有郵件項目檢索 標籤。


Kutools for Outlook - 超過 100 種強大的功能可增強您的 Outlook

🤖 人工智慧郵件助手: 具備人工智慧魔力的即時專業電子郵件——一鍵天才回覆、完美語調、多語言掌握。輕鬆改變電子郵件! ……

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🌟 介面魔法: 😊更多又漂亮又酷的表情符號   /  使用選項卡式視圖提高 Outlook 工作效率  /  最小化 Outlook 而不是關閉 ...

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Comments (20)
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doesn't work if you have a special character. I am looking for string starting with CR-. Putting that in as is or with quotes "CR-" I get everything that has a CR.
Just basic searching in other examples not listed here is a nightmare in Outlook and causes hours of extra work trying to find things. Really Microsoft? The search doesn't work?
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How could one make a search in Outlook for something containing a dot? It seems that for a search like "xxx.yyy", the dot will be replaced by a space character only, leading to the same result like for "xxx yyy".
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No variation of suggestions above works in 365
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You can also escape the space char. To search the sentence "this is a new day" you have to type [this\ is\ a\ new\ day], i.e. changing the spaces by \ (a bar and a space). This worked for me in outlook 2010.
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That is incredibly helpful, Raul. The suggestion with spaces works but also results in other incomplete versions of a phrase. Your strategy works brilliantly. Thank you!
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Thanks for that clear and concise answer - it worked for me!
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Huh? Try explaining clearly and concisely. This isn't clear.
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Does not work
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It seems to be fixed in the most recent update of 2013. Quotes worked for me today!
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the quotes do not work
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Just confirming that this doesn't work at all in Outlook 2013. Search for "doc fee" gets me emails that do not have both words (let alone that exact phrase the way it is supposed to work). So my search returns hundreds of emails instead of the handful that have my exact phrase. Very frustrating!
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Please list versions of Outlook that this applies to. It does NOT work for Outlook 2013 which is very disappointing because it's pretty much been an industry standard (since Al Gore invented the internet) that enclosing a string in quotes means to do a verbatim search for that exact string. I blame millennial programmers at Microsoft.
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Dave, c'mon, Microsoft is not a big firm which could solve problems like this at a glance :) I can't search phrase: C+ I get all the c's... And using quotes doesn't work at all.
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