

為了便於搜索,與郵件內容保持一致或出於其他目的,您可能需要在Outlook中編輯或更改某些收到的郵件的主題。 但是,似乎無法編輯或更改這些主題。 實際上,Microsoft Outlook支持此功能,在這裡我們將指導您輕鬆地編輯或更改已接收郵件的主題。



Office 標籤 - 在 Microsoft Office 中啟用選項卡式編輯和瀏覽,讓工作變得輕而易舉
Kutools for Outlook - 透過 100 多個進階功能增強 Outlook,實現卓越效率
使用這些進階功能增強您的 Outlook 2021 - 2010 或 Outlook 365。 享受全面的 60 天免費試用並提升您的電子郵件體驗!


以下步驟將指導您在Outlook中快速更改或編輯一封電子郵件的主題行。 請執行以下操作:

1。 在裡面 郵件 視圖,雙擊打開您要更改其主題行的電子郵件。

2.現在,電子郵件在“消息”窗口中打開。 請點擊 郵件標題右下角的按鈕以展開郵件標題。 看截圖:

備註注意:在Outlook 2010或更早版本中,默認情況下會擴展郵件標題,請直接跳過此步驟。


3.現在,郵件頭被展開。 請直接編輯主題行,然後單擊 節省 按鈕。 看截圖:

到目前為止,您已經更改/編輯了指定電子郵件的主題行。 請根據需要關閉“消息”窗口。


如果您需要在Outlook中更改多個電子郵件的主題行,則上述方法會有些乏味。 在此,此方法將指導您更改文件夾的視圖設置,並直接在“郵件列表”中編輯電子郵件的主題行。 請執行以下操作:

1。 在裡面 郵件 視圖,打開包含您要更改主題行的電子郵件的文件夾,然後單擊 瀏覽 > 查看設置。 看截圖:

2.現在出現“高級視圖設置”對話框,請單擊 其他設置 按鈕。 看截圖:

3.在彈出的其他設置對話框中,請檢查 允許單元內編輯 選項,然後單擊 OK 按鈕依次關閉兩個對話框。

4.現在返回文件夾,請單擊 瀏覽 > 閱讀面板 > 關閉 關閉閱讀窗格。 看截圖:

5.現在在 郵件列表,請單擊要更改的主題行,然後直接對其進行編輯,如下圖所示。



Kutools for Outlook - 超過 100 種強大的功能可增強您的 Outlook

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Comments (24)
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I'm aware that the date, time and such columns as those cannot be edited, but I've viewed a tutorial where a "Notes" column can be inserted and edited to contain notes the user wishes to see.  Unfortunately, my Outlook 365 allows me to add the column, and to enter edit mode, but it will not take any data ... I get an error tone.  There must be many other columns that allow the user to enter or edit data, or ... ?
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Is there a way to add the same text to the beginning of all the subject lines all at once rather than needing to insert the text one at a time?  If so, can this be done with using VBA or a third-party app?
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This is a huge game-changer for me. Thank you so much!!! It's a happy day! :-)
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could i change date or time of incomming emails?

could i change reciefed from or sent to inthe header?

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Hi Panama Smaek,
I am afraid it is impossible to change some message header information of an incoming email, such as from, to, sent time etc.
Here is a roundabout trick to change them: click to open the email in the Message window, click Message > Actions > Resent This Message, and then change the from, to as you need. And finally, save the message without sending.
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Having Conversation View on is the reason Subject Lines weren't editable. When I uncheck the box in View > "Show as Conversations", I'm able to edit. However, this poses a different problem - I heavily depend on viewing my emails as Conversations. Setting this view back on, now every newly changed email shows the old subject line text. Is there a way to enforce the new subject line text for Conversations?
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Step 5 is missing information. I've followed every instruction exactly; my Outlook looks just like the screen shots here. "Now in the Message List, please click the subject line you want to change, and then edit it directly as below screenshot shown" - How do you get an email Subject Line into edit mode? Selecting an email in Message List does nothing but select/highlight it. Double-clicking opens it into separate window. Right-clicking shows no option for editing. F2 shortcut on a highlighted/selected line does nothing. Just start typing - nothing. ... I'm using Office 2016. Thanks
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Hi, at work we use Outlook 2010. I have tried and tried, I do change the subject of the messages, but but in the MESSAGE LIST the subject is the original one while in the READING PANEL the subject is the one I have changed. So the change is not exactly complete. I have visited other help options sites and no way, the result is always the same: subject changed in the READING PANEL and unchanged in the MESSAGE LIST. Thanks anyway.
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It is because it is showing as a conversation. Remove conversation and it should work
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This was great! thanks for the clear instructions
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Thanks for this but my colleague, Stacey, has a strange error in that the Subject Line looks to be read only - can't edit it at all when you open the email into its own window. I understand this isn't the Microsoft site, but wondering if you would know why this is (haven't found a matching error on google yet). All our other colleagues (including myself) can open the email and edit as desired.
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Please ignore - finally found out what was going on and she's sorted now
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Tania, can you explain what you did to fix this. I have someone who is having the same problem.
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When it says make sure you can see all of the header information, in step 2 above, we didn't have it expanded properly. The email she was working on had the window positioned so the right hand side was off the screen and she didn't see the drop down expand symbol. So I wrote my first message here thinking it was something different when it was really the same thing. Then we tried with a different email that was centered and we could see where to fix. Hope this helps :)
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Oh thank you so much, this has been driving me crazy and Microsoft and even outlook help was zero help. Your pics also made it a breeze. I fee like I have won a lottery!
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