

您是否曾經嘗試過基於Excel單元格中的日期發送電子郵件? 例如,這是A列中的日期列表,然後您想要將包含主題,郵件正文的電子郵件發送給收件人(CC和BCC也可以發送給其他人),您該如何處理呢?




1.啟用包含您使用的數據和日期的工作表,然後按 Alt + F11鍵 啟用 Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications 窗口。

2。 點擊 插入 > 模塊,然後將以下代碼粘貼到空白腳本中。 


Sub email()
    Dim xRg As Range
    Dim xRgEach As Range
    Dim xAddress As String
    Dim xEmail_Subject, xEmail_Send_From, xEmail_Send_To, xEmail_Cc, xEmail_Bcc, xEmail_Body As String
    Dim xMail_Object, xMail_Single As Object
    On Error Resume Next
    xAddress = ActiveWindow.RangeSelection.Address
    Set xRg = Application.InputBox("Select a range:", "KuTools For Excel", xAddress, , , , , 8)
    If xRg Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    For Each xRgEach In xRg
        If xRgEach.Value = Date Then
            xEmail_Subject = Application.InputBox("Subject: ", "Kutools", , , , , , 2)
            xEmail_Send_From = Application.InputBox("Send from: ", "KuTools For Excel", , , , , , 2)
            xEmail_Send_To = Application.InputBox("Send to: ", "KuTools For Excel", , , , , , 2)
            If xEmail_Send_To = "" Then Exit Sub
            xEmail_Cc = Application.InputBox("CC: ", "KuTools For Excel", , , , , , 2)
            xEmail_Bcc = Application.InputBox("BCC: ", "KuTools For Excel", , , , , , 2)
            xEmail_Body = Application.InputBox("Message Body: ", "KuTools For Excel", , , , , , 2)
            Set xMail_Object = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
            Set xMail_Single = xMail_Object.CreateItem(0)
            With xMail_Single
                .Subject = xEmail_Subject
                .To = xEmail_Send_To
                .cc = xEmail_Cc
                .BCC = xEmail_Bcc
                .Body = xEmail_Body
            End With
        End If
End Sub

3。 點擊 按鈕或按下 F5 鍵執行代碼,會彈出一個對話框,提醒您選擇日期列表。 看截圖:

4.單擊確定,然後繼續指定電子郵件主題,發件人的電子郵件地址,收件人的電子郵件地址,抄送,密件抄送和郵件正文。 看截圖:

doc按日期發送2 向右射箭 doc按日期發送3 向右射箭 doc按日期發送4
doc按日期發送7 向左射箭 doc按日期發送6 向左射箭 doc按日期發送5

5。 點擊 OK > OK 直到最後一封,然後電子郵件已發送。

注意: 發件人的電子郵件地址必須是Outlook中的默認帳戶。




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  • 在同一窗口的新選項卡中而不是在新窗口中打開並創建多個文檔。
  • 將您的工作效率提高 50%,每天為您減少數百次鼠標點擊!
Comments (16)
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When I click run the date an I am asked to select a range nothing happens after I click ok?
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Hi, jason, you need to select a cell or range that contains date(s), if the selected cell or range is empty or not contains date(s), the macro will exit.
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That is perfect, but when I add or change a date, it wont send the email Automatiklicht, I have to run the code again and by that I have to choose date range, sender, receiver and all info again. is there anyway to solve this issue?
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its not going on next xRgEach if i am having same dates multiple times, its sending mails to same user multiple times.
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Hi, vaibhav, you can remove the duplicate times by using Remove Duplicates feature in Data Tools under Data tab, then using the VBA.
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Çok teşekkür ederim..
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Merhaba, bir excel dosyasında hatırlatıcı olarak bu konuyla ilgili VSB nin nasıl yapıldığı ile ilgili bilgiye ihtiyacım var. Örneğin boş bir hücreye bilgi girildiğinde bana mail at ya da 3 hafta sıklıkla hücreye bilgi girilip girilmediğiyle alakalı bana bilgi ver.

Hertürlü bilgi ve kaynağa açığım. Şimdiden herkese teşekkür ederim..
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Hi, Mehmet, here is a tutorial How To Send Email If A Certain Cell Is Modified In Excel? that talking about sending an email with the excel file as attachment if the cells in the specific range are modified, which may help you.
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Bonjour j'ai copié les codes, à la validation il me demande bien les cellules concernées, mais lorsque que je valide, il ne me propose pas la suite des fenêtres, sujets, adresses etc
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Hi, boutry, sorry I that reply with English since I do not know French. May I know your date time format? I guess maybe the code only work for datetime in English date format.
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The boxes do not automatically populate after I hit OK. Where do I change the subject, email address and body of the email in the code?
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holagracias por tu ayuda...tengo una consulta.....en la formula Set xRgDate = Application.InputBox("Please select the due date column:", "KuTools For Excel", , , , , , 8), el 8 que significa?
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Felicidades por el material; pero no me funciona. Al parecer el Rango no se llena, por ende queda vacío y sale de la rutina.

Alguna corrección ?
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This is close to what I need but I am stuck with two problems. 1st I need to run this across my entire workbook that gets new worksheets added daily. 2nd I need it to include the worksheet name in the email so I will know which sheet is due. I create new tickets (worksheets) with a field that is a future date, when that day arrives I need an email. Thank you for your help.
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