

在使用Microsoft Excel時,您可能知道如何使用命令按鈕運行某個宏。 但是您知道如何通過單擊工作表中的特定單元格來運行宏嗎? 本文將詳細介紹單擊特定單元格來觸發宏的方法。



下面的VBA代碼可以通過單擊Excel中的特定單元格來幫助您運行宏。 請執行以下操作。

1.在帶有單元格的工作表上,您需要單擊以運行宏,右鍵單擊工作表選項卡,然後單擊 查看代碼 從上下文菜單。

2。 在裡面 Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications 窗口,將下面的VBA腳本複制並粘貼到“代碼”窗口中。


Option Explicit

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
    If Selection.Count = 1 Then
        If Not Intersect(Target, Range("D4")) Is Nothing Then
            Call MyMacro
        End If
    End If
End Sub



2.請替換代碼名稱 我的宏 使用宏,您將在工作表中運行。 看截圖:

3。 按 其他 + Q 同時關閉按鍵 Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications 窗口。




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Comments (38)
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interesting, how can I adapt it for working on a cell that is a selection?
Basically I need to select a value from a cell (any value of a list) and then launch the macro, can you help me?
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No encuentro la manera de hacer lo que necesito. Espero de veras que me podáis ayudar.
Necesito que se lance una MACRO al hacer clic en una celda, pero no sé en qué celda va a ser, no lo puedo comparar con (si se ha seleccionado la celda A3, por ejemplo, que se lance la acción) porque por funcionalidades del fichero, las celdas se van a mover de sitio (se han podido insertar, mas o menos filas encima). Necesitaría poder saber qué celda es la que se ha seleccionado.
Hay alguna manera de poder hacer eso?
Muchas gracias de antemano.
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Hi Hola,
The cell address is constant. All you can move is the value of the cell.
The cell you specified in the VBA code is still the cell that trigger the specified VBA code.
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I didn’t have any expectations concerning that title, but the more I was astonished. The author did a great job. I spent a few minutes reading and checking the facts. Everything is very clear and understandable. I like posts that fill in your knowledge gaps. This one is of the sort.
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Grandioso! Grazie, era una vita che sognavo di poterlo fare, se può essere utile a qualcuno avendo necessità di eseguire più codici su più celle per
aumentare il numero di opzioni basta aggiungere le nuove istruzionisempre sotto la stessa option explicit altrimente ci viene detto che il riferimento al
worksheet non è univoco. Mi spiego meglio evidentemente su come ho adattato il codice con il mio esempio;

Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Selection.Count = 1 Then
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("Y64")) Is Nothing Then
End If
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A33")) Is Nothing Then
ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlMinimized
SendKeys "^v"
SendKeys "{BACKSPACE}"
End If
End If
End Sub

Grazie ancora è stata un'autentica meraviglia!

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For those wanting this to work for merged cells, the quickest and dirtiest way is to update Line 2 as follows:
<div data-tag="code">Option Explicit

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Selection.Count > 0 Then
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("D4")) Is Nothing Then
Call MyMacro
End If
End If
End SubSelection.Count is being used to determine if a selection has been made before executing the remaining macro. If your selection consists of four cells that have been merged, Selection.Count will equal 4, and the remaining code will never execute.You can also change line 2 to the exact number of cells that were merged, but that will cause problems if you merge additional cells.
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It is important to stress that the macro only runs in the worksheet.
Those of us who use the regular visual basic editor often end up storing macros in other places than in the current worksheet.
None of these codes will work in that situation.
I find this code to be much simpler and it works very well for me: 

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
If Not Intersect(Range("d1"), Target) Is Nothing Then
Call aa
End If
End Sub
Sub aa() ' put your code here
ActiveSheet.PasteEnd Sub
John Wells
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Hi John Wells,Thank you for sharing.
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Does not work anymore.
Worksheet_SelectionChange does not exist by default. Meaning you cannot use that to trigger a macro.

The only embeded sub you can use are referenced in "Workbook" dropdown list, so...

The only closest thing you can do is using Workbook_SheetBeforeDoubleClick. But is will enter Edit mode (still not a big deal).
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Hi CodeKiller.Worksheet_SelectionChange only exists in the Sheet(Code) editor. Right click the sheet tab and click View Code to activate the Sheet(Code) editor.
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Hello, Thank you for your interesting subject. What if for example I want to to click on D4 in Sheet1 and see the result of Macro in Sheet2!F3.
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hello, I was trying to use this code to Run a paste macro but can't seem to figure out how to paste the macro properly.

here is my original Marco

Sub Paste()
' Paste Macro

ActiveSheet.PasteSpecial Format:="HTML", Link:=False, DisplayAsIcon:= _
False, NoHTMLFormatting:=True
End Sub

any help is appreciated
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Thanks for this code. Is it possible to get this to work by clicking on a cell that is merged with others?
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Hi M.Symonds,
The code in this article can do you a favor: https://www.extendoffice.com/documents/excel/4354-excel-click-on-cell-to-run-macro.html
Thank you for your comment.
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