

有時,您可能會刪除 在更新時保留單元格格式 數據透視表選項中的項目意外。 並且在這種情況下,如果數據透視表包含單元格格式,則格式將在刷新後刪除。 數據透視表無法保留格式,這非常令人討厭。 今天,我將討論處理此任務的簡單技巧。


箭頭藍色右氣泡 刷新數據透視表後保留格式


1. 在數據透視表中選擇任何單元格,然後單擊鼠標右鍵。

2。 然後選擇 數據透視表選項 從上下文菜單中,查看屏幕截圖:


3。 在 數據透視表選項 對話框,單擊 佈局和格式 選項卡,然後檢查 在更新時保留單元格格式 下的項目 格式 部分,請參見屏幕截圖:


4。 然後點擊 OK 關閉此對話框,現在,當您設置數據透視表的格式並刷新它時,該格式將不再消失。






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Comments (21)
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Achei, pelo menos aqui deu certo. Óbvio que a opção "Preservar a formatação da célula ao atualizar" deve estar marcada. A partir daí, deve-se aplicar a formatação com a opção da Aba: Análise de Tabela Dinâmica/Grupo: Ações/Opção:Selecionar/Habilitar Seleção. Aquilo que for selecionado com a função "Habilitar Seleção" manterá o formato. O chato é que às vezes seleciona toda uma coluna e às vezes seleciona só uma cela. Aí tem que fazer cela a cela, mas deu certo aqui.
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Actually, you need to format each field data type, and make sure the whole pivot table settings are set to retain the formatting when refreshed. 
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You can use the VB script:"Private Sub Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate(ByVal Target As PivotTable)"
and put all formating information in between. This routine will be carried out after changing Pivottable content
For example:" With Selection
.HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
.WrapText = True
.Orientation = 0
.AddIndent = False
.IndentLevel = 1
.ShrinkToFit = False
.ReadingOrder = xlContext
.MergeCells = False
End With
With Selection.Font
.Name = "Verdana"
.Size = 8
.Strikethrough = False
.Superscript = False
.Subscript = False
.OutlineFont = False
.Shadow = False
.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
.TintAndShade = 0
.ThemeFont = xlThemeFontNone
End With
End Sub
"You can use the macro recording to find out the formating syntax!
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Check to make sure all the cells in the data are formatted as a date and not a number.
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I fixed mine by on Format Cells Go to Protection and Uncheck Locked!!!!
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I've had the same frustration as many of you where the formatting does not remain even though you select the "Preserve cell formatting on update" checkbox. I've found 2 things that helped me out.
- highlight more of the table and format that broader region to define the formatting for the cells that aren't maintaining the formatting you desire. Then, after refreshing, go back and change specific cells to tweak the formatting.
- Darlene's idea of conditional formatting is brilliant and works well. The only thing you'll be missing is alignment and text-wrapping.
- After doing all of this, save and close out of your file. After a moment, re-open your file and try again. I've found that, for some reason, closing the file and re-opening will allow the system to imprint these changes.

Hope this helps.
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It works as soon as you untick, do all your formating and tick again.
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It does work for me when I uncheck the "Autofit column widths on update".
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mentira da porra isso.. nunca funcionou corretamente isso
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This does not work when I try to preserve cell text alignment. For example, I want the text to be left aligned in a particular column. Upon refresh, the format resets.
Note for anyone offering to debug (if any kind soul is brave enough) - I often have multiple fields in the column section.
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