
如何在 Outlook 中使用附件名稱自動填寫電子郵件主題?

對於習慣在 Outlook 中使用附件名稱作為電子郵件主題的人來說,每次在主題行中手動輸入附件名稱會非常耗時。 如下圖所示,如果您想在插入附件時自動用附件名稱填充電子郵件主題行,本教程中的 VBA 方法將有所幫助。

使用 VBA 代碼使用附件名稱自動填充電子郵件主題

請運行以下 VBA 代碼以在 Outlook 中使用插入的附件名稱自動填充電子郵件主題。

1.啟動Outlook,按 其他 + F11 鍵打開 Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications 窗口。

2。 在裡面 Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications 窗口,雙擊 項目 1 (VbProject.OTM) > Microsoft Outlook對象 > 本次展望會議 打開 ThisOutlookSession(代碼) 編輯器。

3.然後將下面的VBA代碼複製到 ThisOutlookSession(代碼) 編輯器。

VBA 代碼:使用附件名稱自動填充電子郵件主題

Public WithEvents GExplorer As Explorer
'Updated by Extendoffice 20220926
Public WithEvents GInspectors As Inspectors
Public WithEvents GMail As MailItem

Private Sub Application_Startup()
  Set GExplorer = Application.ActiveExplorer
  Set GInspectors = Application.Inspectors
End Sub

Private Sub GExplorer_InlineResponse(ByVal Item As Object)
  Set GMail = Item
End Sub

Private Sub GInspectors_NewInspector(ByVal Inspector As Inspector)
  Dim xItem As Object
  Set xItem = Inspector.CurrentItem
  If xItem.Class <> olMail Then Exit Sub
  Set GMail = xItem
End Sub

Private Sub GMail_AttachmentAdd(ByVal Att As Attachment)
  Dim xFileName As String
  On Error Resume Next
  If VBA.Trim(GMail.Subject) <> "" Then Exit Sub
  If MsgBox("Do you want to use the attachment name as the subject?", vbYesNo + vbInformation, "Kutools for Outlook") = vbNo Then Exit Sub
  xFileName = Att.DisplayName
  xFileName = Left$(xFileName, VBA.InStrRev(xFileName, ".") - 1)
  GMail.Subject = xFileName
End Sub

4. 現在您需要保存代碼並重新啟動 Outlook。

5. 從現在開始,當您在尚未填寫主題的電子郵件中插入附件時, Kutools for Outlook 將彈出對話框詢問您是否要使用附件名稱作為主題,單擊 按鈕。



2) 如果您從當前電子郵件中刪除了現有主題,但光標仍顯示在主題行中,插入附件也不會彈出對話框。 刪除主題後,您需要單擊離開主題行以刷新消息框以使代碼正常工作。
3) 如果同時插入多個附件,則只能以第一個附件的名稱作為郵件主題。


Kutools for Outlook - 超過 100 種強大的功能可增強您的 Outlook

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Comments (11)
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Everything works now. Thanks very much.
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I'm glad I could help you.
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I pasted your code. Outlook 365 restarted. I've tried several times, but it doesn't work. The subject line remains empty. What could be the problem?
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Hi Karol,

Please check if the corresponding Macro settings are enabled in your Outlook.
Go to File > Options. In the Outlook Options window, select Trust Center in the left pane. In the Trust Center window, select Macro Settings in the left pane, and then select the Enable all macros option in the Macro Settings section and check the Apply macro security settings to installed add-ins box in the Add-ins section.
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Добрый день. ДА при добавлении 2 файлов в тему писалось через И.
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Hi Александр,

The following VBA code can help to solve your problem. Please give it a try.
Public WithEvents GExplorer As Explorer
'Updated by Extendoffice 20220131
Public WithEvents GInspectors As Inspectors
Public WithEvents GMail As MailItem
Dim GFileName As String

Private Sub Application_Startup()
  Set GExplorer = Application.ActiveExplorer
  Set GInspectors = Application.Inspectors
End Sub

Private Sub GExplorer_InlineResponse(ByVal Item As Object)
  Set GMail = Item
  GFileName = ""
End Sub

Private Sub GInspectors_NewInspector(ByVal Inspector As Inspector)
  Dim xItem As Object
  Set xItem = Inspector.CurrentItem
  If xItem.Class <> olMail Then Exit Sub
  Set GMail = xItem
  GFileName = ""
End Sub

Private Sub GMail_AttachmentAdd(ByVal Att As Attachment)
  If GMail.Subject = "" Then
    GMail.Subject = GFileName
    GMail.Subject = GMail.Subject & " AND " & GFileName
  End If
  GFileName = ""
End Sub

Private Sub GMail_BeforeAttachmentAdd(ByVal Attachment As Attachment, Cancel As Boolean)
  On Error Resume Next
  GFileName = Attachment.DisplayName
  GFileName = Left$(GFileName, VBA.InStrRev(GFileName, ".") - 1)
  If VBA.Trim(GMail.Subject) <> "" Then Exit Sub
  If MsgBox("Do you want to use the attachment name as the subject?", vbYesNo + vbInformation, "Kutools for Outlook") = vbNo Then
    GFileName = ""
    Exit Sub
  End If
End Sub
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Да получилось. Огромное спасибо за помощь. И еще один вопрос, а можно в конце всего этого, при нажатии кнопки "Отправить" выдавал некое сообщение что то типа "Вы действительно хотите отправить данное сообщение"?
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Да, именно. ТЕ при добавлении или перетягивании двух файлов тема письма автоматом писалась через И
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Добрый день. Подскажите пожалуйста можно ли сделать что бы тема формировалась из 2 и более файлов с разделение И? Может в данном коде дописать или вообще другой существует? Заранее спасибо
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Hi Александр,

Do you mean adding multiple attachments while adding those attachment names at the same time to the subject and then linking them with AND?
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Да. Например перетащил два файла и он их имена написал через И. Именно два файла, больше не надо.
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