

通常,新約會將保存到Outlook中當前打開的日曆中。 但是現在,您想將約會保存到自己的日曆和公共日曆中,有什麼想法嗎? 本文將介紹兩種解決方案,可以輕鬆地將約會添加到兩個或多個日曆中。


如果要將約會添加到默認日曆和另一個非默認日曆中,則可以應用 複製到我的日曆 功能輕鬆實現。

1。 在 日曆 視圖,打開您要將約會添加到的非默認日曆,然後單擊 首頁 > 新任命 創建一個新的約會。

2。 現在,“約會”窗口打開。 根據需要撰寫約會,然後按保存約會 按Ctrl + S 同時鍵(或單擊 節省 上的按鈕 快速訪問工具欄).

3。 繼續點擊 聯繫我們 > 複製到我的日曆.

現在,新約會已添加到當前打開的日曆和默認日曆中。 看截圖:

備註:如果您已經在非默認日曆中創建約會,請雙擊以打開它,然後單擊 聯繫我們 > 複製到我的日曆 將其添加到默認日曆中。


一般來說,我們可以設置一個規則,將電子郵件自動轉發到指定的收件人,例如您的另一個電子郵件帳戶,您的Gmail或您的同事等。但是,我們所知道的,在其中配置自定義規則將花費很長時間。外表。 現在,我們介紹Kutools for Outlook的 (自動) 向前 功能,只需點擊幾下即可設置自動轉發規則。



如果要將約會添加到兩個或多個非默認日曆中,可以在以下幫助下完成約會: 按Ctrl 鍵。

1。 在 日曆 查看,創建新約會,保存並關閉它,或單擊以選擇現有約會。

2。 持有 按Ctrl 鍵,將選定的約會拖放到目標日曆上突出顯示 導航窗格。 看截圖:


3。 重複上述步驟2,根據需要將約會復製到其他日曆。



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Comments (8)
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I tried dragging it and it just deleted the entry. I also don't have this copy to calendar feature.
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Hi there, did you hold the Ctrl key when you drag-and-drop the appointment?

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I have a private and work email set up on Desktop Outlook 2019. In my current situation I get a calendar invite for i.e. a work meeting from colleagues and when I accept the appointment will automatically be placed in my calendar of my private email address. I feel I have no control over it....Is it possible to have one calendar set up for the private email and the other one for work appointment.Many thanks. CT
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Can I have an event that is only in one calendar (it's confidential so I can't just copy it over into another calendar that is accessed by other people), but it affects the availability in the other calendar? E.g. I am in a meeting from 12noon until 5pm. But I don't want that event in the other calendar. I just want that time slot to be blocked out in the other calendar. Fingers crossed this is possible......
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Problem I'm having, as a PA, previous versions I would drag and drop into calendars, but if the owner of the copied appointment forward to others, the responses go to the originating calendar, which is clearly unhelpful for the person sending, say, your boss. Is there a solution to this, other than creating new appointments every time?
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Is there a way to make edits in one calendar flow to the shared calendar? Is this something Kutools can possibly help with?
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Does Kutools have a feature for adding a calendar entry to two or more calendars in Office 365? If not, is there another way to do that in Office 365? It appears that the Copy to My Calendar feature does not exist in O365.
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The ctrl and drag process works fine in Office 365. I just tried it for the 1st time and it worked. Believe me, I'll be using that feature a lot in the future.
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