

通常,您可以通過在Outlook中的“密件抄送”中鍵入收件人的電子郵件地址,輕鬆地將密件抄送(密件抄送)給收件人的電子郵件。 但是,當我們發送會議邀請時,會議窗口中沒有密件抄送。 實際上,我們可以通過在Outlook中添加“資源”與會者來使用“密件抄送”發送會議邀請。

要在Microsoft Outlook中使用“密件抄送”發送會議邀請,您可以執行以下操作:

1。 轉到“日曆”視圖,然後創建一個新的會議邀請:

  1. 在Outlook 2010和2013中,點擊 新的會議 上的按鈕 首頁 標籤;
  2. 在Outlook 2007中,單擊 文件 > 全新 > 會議要求.

2。 在會議窗口中,單擊 按鈕。

3。 在彈出的“選擇與會者和資源”對話框中,找出並選擇要作為密件抄送會議對象的與會者,然後單擊“ 資源-> 按鈕,最後點擊 OK 按鈕。 查看屏幕截圖:

(1)持有 轉移 鍵,您可以通過單擊第一個和最後一個來選擇多個相鄰的與會者;
(2)持有 按Ctrl 鍵,您可以通過單擊每個與會者來選擇多個非相鄰的與會者。

4。 現在,您回到會議窗口,撰寫會議,然後單擊 送出 按鈕。

注意: 如果您需要抄送(碳抄)參加者會議,只需將參加者添加到 選配 文件在“選擇與會者和資源”對話框中。 請參見上面的屏幕截圖。


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Comments (33)
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This does not work. Recipients see each others names / details in the 'location' now, so does not solve the issue.
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In new Outlook Desktop App, create new meeting -> scheduling assistant -> add resources (NOT required or optional attendees). The attendees will still receive RSVPs, but will not see who else is invited.
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Too bad they again haven't thought of common everyday things when designing their software.
I need to invite several people who signed up for a vaccine, I do not think it's proper to make publicly known who signed up.
My only alternative is to create an invite per person.
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David #39688
do it in online version of Outlook, in New meeting select Response options and use checkbox Hide attendee list.
it works only online, in your installed app this version isnt accesible - you know Microsoft...

Hi there,

You can try the above advice from David. 🙂

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This is not a proper hack.

Still invitees appear in other section.
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do it in online version of Outlook, in New meeting select Response options and use checkbox Hide attendee list.
it works only online, in your installed app this version isnt accesible - you know Microsoft...
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How can we do this with the "new outlook" please
I am able to manage it
Thank you!
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Hi there,

For newer versions, the To... button is replaced with Required and Optional. Click either one as you need and then add recipients in the Resources box.

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Problem tylko jest taki, że gdy ktoś prześle dalej to spotkanie z poziomu Outlooka to Outlook zacytuje nagłówek oryginalnego zaproszenia, a z nagłówka zaproszenia odczytasz wszystkie adresy zaproszonych. Nie działa. Jedyna opcja jaką znam, to wysłanie zaproszenia ze strony outlook.com Opcje odpowiedzi > Ukryj listę uczestników
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When sending a meeting BCC like stated here, can attendees see each other in the "Tracking" tab of the meeting?
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When I select Resources with email I plan for BCC, it turned to be Location change instead of BCC, does anyone know why? Thanks
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Mine did this too, but I just said not to update the location and proceeded from there. Worked.
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so in 2010 and 2013... i understand that you click on the word "required" and make sure names are in "resources".. then the evite goes as a bcc .. how do you turn off responses?
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