

Outlook具有有用的內置功能,可為用戶提供將Outlook電子郵件發送到OneNote的功能。 因此,Outlook用戶可以將說明電子郵件保存到OneNote中,以備將來參考。 本文將向您詳細介紹如何將電子郵件從Outlook發送到OneNote。

將電子郵件從Outlook發送到Outlook 2007中的OneNote

將電子郵件從Outlook發送到Outlook 2010和2013中的OneNote

Office 標籤 - 在 Microsoft Office 中啟用選項卡式編輯和瀏覽,讓工作變得輕而易舉
Kutools for Outlook - 透過 100 多個進階功能增強 Outlook,實現卓越效率
使用這些進階功能增強您的 Outlook 2021 - 2010 或 Outlook 365。 享受全面的 60 天免費試用並提升您的電子郵件體驗!

箭頭藍色右氣泡將電子郵件從Outlook發送到Outlook 2007中的OneNote

要將電子郵件發送到Outlook 2007中的OneNote,請執行以下操作。



2。 點擊 將選定的電子郵件發送到OneNote 功能區中的按鈕。

3.然後,將使用所選電子郵件的內容自動啟動OneNote應用程序。 請點擊 關閉 按鈕將其關閉。

備註:如果您是第一次使用OneNote,將彈出一個提示框,提醒您啟動OneNote。 打開OneNote後,請重複上述步驟,您選擇的電子郵件將發送到OneNote。

箭頭藍色右氣泡將電子郵件從Outlook發送到Outlook 2010和2013中的OneNote

在Outlook 2010和2013中,您可以按照以下步驟將電子郵件發送到OneNote:



2.請點擊 OneNote中 ,在 移動 組下 首頁 標籤。 看截圖:


1)。 如果這是您第一次使用OneNote,則在步驟1中單擊OneNote後,將彈出一個提示框,告訴您OneNote需要進行自我設置才能發送給它。 請點擊 OK 按鈕。

2)。 然後,請通過單擊啟用OneNote 開始 > 所有程序“ > 微軟的Office > OneNote中。 看截圖:

3)。 然後啟用OneNote。 您現在可以關閉OneNote應用程序。

3.然後會彈出一個 選擇位置在OneNote中 在對話框中單擊OneNote後 移動 組下 首頁 標籤。 在此對話框中,您需要:

1)。 選擇一個 筆記本 用於保存電子郵件;

2)。 該 始終將電子郵件備忘發送到所選位置 該選項是可選的,以滿足您自己的需要。

3)。 請點擊 OK 按鈕。



Kutools for Outlook - 超過 100 種強大的功能可增強您的 Outlook

🤖 人工智慧郵件助手: 具備人工智慧魔力的即時專業電子郵件——一鍵天才回覆、完美語調、多語言掌握。輕鬆改變電子郵件! ……

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Comments (15)
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Thanks :) Great Help to a starter to ONE NOTE Application.
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I found you late if found earlier so its help me a lot. I am also facing sending email problem in Outlook To OneNote. I was found some MS One Note Support person to get genuine service to sort all my issue about One Note.
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I am having the same problem in that when I want to send an email in outlook to OneNote, I no longer can type in the place I want to send it to and the new method of finding the right folder takes more time.
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The format for transferring Outlook 365 emails to OneNote 365 individual pages has changed. How do I go back?
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"Then the OneNote application will be launched automatically with the content of selected emails. Please click Close button to close it."
This is the part I have a problem with. Is there a way to stop OneNote from launching? If I want to send a bunch of emails to OneNote, It's time consuming and distracting to have to keep closing the OneNote window. fyi,I always have ON running in my task bar anyway.
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I've got the connection set-up, but when I click to send to OneNote it's not pulling up all my Notebooks. It's only looking at one notebook and the others are there and syncing, just not available for me to send an Outlook message to. Any thoughts?
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Is there any way to include this action as part of a macro (or similar) that will also categorise/delete/move the e-mail as part of the 'Send to OneNote' process? We archive important information to shared OneNote notebooks and this would help avoid copying it there twice.
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This works fine for me, but I was wondering if there's anyway to set it up so that when you've sent it to OneNote it can then delete the e-mail or assign it a category to indicate that it's been saved to OneNote?
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I have a user with the same issue. Mike -- have you found an answer? Adam, my user is logged into Outlook and OneNote with the same work account.
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Hi Rita. We uninstalled an earlier version of One-note from the PC and re-booted. Problem was still there. We then checked about 10 days later and the "Send to OneNote" function did work. During the intervening 10 days Windows and Office updates were applied and there was another re-boot, but I don't know why the function started working unless it was a result of the updates applied.
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Hi. If using Office2016. For some reason MSOffice installs 2 versions of OneNote. An old version and the OneNote 2016 version. Make sure you are using the 2016 version and have this open the first time you try to send an e-mail from Outlook to OneNote. Then it should work OK. It doesn't work if the old version is open.
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This doesn't work with outlook 2016 / onenote. I've run OneNote a dozen times but all I get when I try and send from Outlook to OneNote is the message saying that OneNote needs to set itself up. If they were products from competing companies I could understand. But why doesn't Microsoft test its own products working with each other ? I've wasted so many hours with the latest Office 365.
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Are you connected to both applications through the same MS Account under File/Account?
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