

默認情況下,Outlook 將所有收到的電子郵件放在收件箱文件夾中。 如果您覺得您的收件箱很雜亂,並且想將一些特定的電子郵件自動移動到另一個文件夾,您應該怎麼做? 本教程幫助您在 Outlook 中創建規則以自動將電子郵件移動到特定文件夾。


箭頭藍色右氣泡 通過在Outlook中創建規則自動將電子郵件移動到文件夾

1.首先,選擇要移動到某個文件夾的電子郵件,右鍵單擊它並選擇 規則 > 創建規則…。 看截圖:

2。 在裡面 創建規則 對話框下 當我收到所有選定條件的電子郵件時 部分,指定此電子郵件的條件(這裡我選中主題包含複選框,所選電子郵件的主題會自動添加到文本框中)。 而下 請執行下列操作 部分,檢查 將項目移到文件夾 框,然後單擊 選擇“文件夾” 按鈕。

3。 在 規則和警報 對話框,選擇一個文件夾來保存移動的電子郵件,然後單擊 OK 關閉對話框。

4. 如果您想為這些電子郵件創建一個新文件夾,請單擊 新… 按鈕創建一個新文件夾。

在 創建新文件夾 對話, 姓名 文件夾,選擇一個文件夾以將新文件夾放入 選擇放置文件夾的位置 部分,然後單擊 OK 按鈕。

5.返回到 創建規則 對話框,單擊 OK 完成整個設置。

6.現在,一個 成功 彈出提示框,檢查 現在對當前文件夾中已存在的郵件運行此規則 框,然後單擊 OK 開始刪除。



Kutools for Outlook - 超過 100 種強大的功能可增強您的 Outlook

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👍 一鍵奇蹟: 使用傳入附件回覆全部  /   反網路釣魚電子郵件  /  🕘顯示寄件者的時區 ...

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Comments (29)
Rated 4.5 out of 5 · 1 ratings
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tres pratique
ca fais des mois que je cherche comment faire !
Rated 4.5 out of 5
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Hi lea,

I am glad to hear that. Thank you for your comment.
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tres pratique
ca fais des mois que je cherche comment faire
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Hallo.. Mau tanya dong. Misalkan saya punya 2 akun login di outlook, contoh : &
Terkadang email untuk abc harusnya masuk ke akun abc tapi dia masuknya ke akun xyz, jadi saya harus pindahkan secara manual ke akun abc agar email nya pindah kesana. Apakah ada solusi agar email masuk sesuai akun masing2?
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Hi Jay,
If you want to move emails to different folders based on different email accounts, you need to create different rules to accomplish it.
As you mentioned in the example, you need to create two rules.
In the Create Rule dialog box, after specifying the conditions and folder, click the Advanced Options button. Then check the through the specified account checkbox and then specify the account (such as ).
Repeat the steps to create another rule for the account .
See the attached screenshot:
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very helpful, thank you!
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thanks team well done
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I will now be saving up for anything for you
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even now after hitting send I have no idea whether it went anywhere or not!
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I had thought I was losing my mind. I knew I had received emails from lawyers and others yet when I went to finally look at them they were GONE! Been involved in a legal matter with 2 governments & now I don't have a leg to stand on. Only found out yesterday that the emails are deleted after 5 days!! Guess what? Because of my situation I do not have time to watch your videos, don't understand any of your tech talk and am utterly fedup!Thanks again Microsoft-I don't think you guys know what you're doing any more than I do! I can't even do a backup because now it doesn't recognize my external. Even bought another one-still doesn't recognize it. Yeah, I was one of your Vista victims-never could do a backup on that either. I will now be saving up for anything Apple!
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It's Working. Thanks.
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