

如果您需要跟踪每週,每月或每年的會議或約會,但又不想每天或每月手動設置它們,則Outlook Recurrence功能可以幫助您重複約會或會議。 請看下面的文章。


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使用這些進階功能增強您的 Outlook 2021 - 2010 或 Outlook 365。 享受全面的 60 天免費試用並提升您的電子郵件體驗!

箭頭藍色右氣泡 在Outlook中創建定期會議和約會


1.確保您在 日曆 部分。 通過單擊設置約會 首頁 > 新任命。 看截圖:

2.撰寫約會,然後單擊 循環 按鈕。

3。 一個 預約復發 對話框將會彈出,選擇您理想的 時間, 模式範圍 您的複發次數,然後點擊 OK.

4.現在,單擊 保存並關閉 保存約會並關閉對話框。


1.通過單擊設置新會議 首頁 > 新的會議。 看截圖:

2.撰寫會議信息,然後單擊 循環 按鈕。 看截圖:

3。 一個 預約復發 對話框將會彈出,選擇您理想的 時間, 模式範圍 您的複發次數,然後點擊 OK.

4.在彈出的提示對話框中,選擇 保存更改並發送更新。 然後點擊 OK.

5。 然後點擊 發送更新。 收件人將收到您的會議更新電子郵件。


Kutools for Outlook - 超過 100 種強大的功能可增強您的 Outlook

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Comments (13)
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Desde la app de Outlook del computador no deja programar, si lo hacen desde la web si deja, me pasó lo mismo y al hacerlo abriendo outlook en la web si permite hacerlo en mi caso un recordatorio de facturación cada 4to jueves de cada mes.
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I try to introduce a meeting for each first monday after the 20st of each month and it seems to be inpossible ,,,, any idea
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Desde la app de Outlook del computador no deja programar, si lo hacen desde la web si deja, me pasó lo mismo y al hacerlo abriendo outlook en la web si permite hacerlo en mi caso un recordatorio de facturación cada 4to jueves de cada mes.
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It's terrible to have to search online for something so ridiculous as "How to create a calendar event in Outlook 2010" because Microsoft couldn't make it easy enough for everyone to figure it out on there own.
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Agree.  Everyone repeat after me... thanks Microsoft for creating such a user unfriendly system as Outlook.  I had to buy a large magnifier to install on my computer screen JUST  to be able to read Outlook.  jeez barf disgusting @#$@#$$*^&*@#$%**(
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how do i create meetings automatically on the 1st and 3rd tuesday of each month? I used to be able to do this but cant now............? Help
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Outlook forces to create reoccurring meetings on the same day of the week.. same day of the month and in the same sequence. Why should it be only so? There can be monthly meetings occurring on different dates, days of consecutive months. Why I am forced to create 12 calendar entries for 12 monthly meetings. Is there a custom feature which is available in Lotus Notes. Or do we have an alternate solution?
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Hi, did you find an alternate solution? I can't believe Outlook did this stupid on this one....
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Desde la app de Outlook del computador no deja programar, si lo hacen desde la web si deja, me pasó lo mismo y al hacerlo abriendo outlook en la web si permite hacerlo en mi caso un recordatorio de facturación cada 4to jueves de cada mes.
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Absolutely correct, did you find a solution on that issue?
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Microsoft, you really Screwed the pooch on this one. Why is it when I create a recurring meeting, it only shows up on the DAY I created it on. NOT all x amount of weeks I created it to run? I have searched and searched and have not found an adequate answer.
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Seriously jack im going nuts here with that issue and its pissing me off on another level.
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I am having the same issue. I am creating recurring meetings, but it only shows on the day created. Please help!
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