

例如,單元格中有一個字符串,您需要替換字符串中的第三個“ o”,如何快速解決呢? 如果替換字符串中所有出現的該字符怎麼辦? 本文將向您展示該方法。



這種方法將介紹簡單 替代 函數以替換Excel單元格中某個字符的第n個或全部出現。

選擇一個空白單元格,然後鍵入公式 = SUBSTITUTE(A1,“ o”,“ _”,3) 進入它,然後按 Enter 鍵。 看截圖:

現在,您將看到第三個“ o”被替換。 看截圖:

(1)在公式中 = SUBSTITUTE(A1,“ o”,“ _”,3),A1是您將替換字符串的單元格, o 是您要替換的指定字符, _ 是您將替換為的指定字符,並且 3 表示您將替換第三次出現的“o“。
(2)如果您需要替換所有出現的“o”,並在單元格A1中帶有下劃線,請應用此公式 = SUBSTITUTE(A1,“ o”,“ _”).



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Как из ячейки с текстом "5x50x100" извлечь произведение всех чисел в другую ячейку чтобы был результат 25000?
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Hi there,

We've created a VBA to help you solve the problem. In your Excel, please press Alt + F11 to open the VBA window, and then on the Insert tab, click Module. And copy and paste the VBA below into the window:
Function ExtractAndMultiply(xCell As Range) As Long
    'Update by ExtendOffice
    Dim xNum As Long
    Dim xBool As Boolean
    xNum = 1
    xBool = False
    xArr = Split(xCell.Value, "x")

    For i = LBound(xArr) To UBound(xArr)
        If IsNumeric(xArr(i)) Then
            xNum = xNum * xArr(i)
            xBool = True
        End If
    If xBool Then
        ExtractAndMultiply = xNum
        ExtractAndMultiply = 0
    End If
End Function

Now, you can go back to the worksheet, and let's say the cell A1 contains 5x50x1000, you can enter the formula =ExtractAndMultiply(A1) in another cell to get the product.

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I use Office 2013 and last parameter doesn't work as intended. I didn't specify it but it works like 1 entered.Only first occurence is replaced.
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Hi Turker,
To replace all of a certain character from a cell, you need to apply this formula =SUBSTITUTE(A1,"o","_")
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